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InicioCentro de informaciónBiblioteca del bienestarCaring for More Than One Baby
Caring for More Than One Baby
Caring for More Than One Baby
A pregnancy of two or more babies is called a multiple pregnancy. Caring for just one newborn is a big job. Raising more than one baby means even less sleep, more work, and less time for yourself. From time to time, you may feel frustrated that you can't keep up with work at home. Don't wait for stress to become a problem before you ask for help. Your family, friends, and doctor can help you find ways to cope.
Breastfeeding more than one baby can be challenging, but it helps to build the bond between you and each baby. It can give your babies better health. If you plan to breastfeed your babies, your doctor or lactation consultant can give you good advice.
Some people feel sad or depressed after having twins or more. Talk to your doctor if you feel depressed or have troubling thoughts.
How can you care for yourself when raising multiples?
Try to plan ahead. Buying supplies, getting your babies in and out of cars and strollers, and keeping track of what your babies have eaten or done can become overwhelming with more than one baby. Diapers, naps, nursing, and everything else that is part of your babies' lives can take over your life and keep you from taking care of yourself, if you let it. Charts and systems to stay organized and efficient will help you to cope.
Get as much rest as you can. Don't feel guilty if you let chores go undone so that you can rest. Try to sleep when your babies are sleeping, rather than using that time to get chores done.
Ask family and friends for help. Then let them help with the babies, the house, and your family's errands.
If you are going to breastfeed, be flexible. You may be able to breastfeed all your babies. Or you may use your breast pump or formula so that your helpers can feed your babies too. A lactation consultant can help you find positions and systems to make nursing work.
Bathing your babies can be a big job and can wear you out. Whether you bathe your babies together or one at a time, ask for help.
Consider joining a support group for parents of twins or more. Sharing your experience with other people who are in a similar situation may help you with the demands of caring for your babies. See if there is a local chapter of Mothers of Twins.
Give each of your children time alone with you. If you have an older child or children, schedule regular time with each one.
Try to put aside time to be with your partner. It's easy to forget about taking time to be a couple, but life will be better if you take care of each other.
It's okay to feel negative about your life once in a while. But if you feel sad or mad often, talk to your doctor.
Current as of: October 24, 2023
Author: Ignite Healthwise, LLC Staff
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Stress Relief and RelaxationGrowth and Development, NewbornMultiple Pregnancy: Twins or MoreSleep: Helping Your Children—and Yourself—Sleep WellBreastfeeding Multiple Infants
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