General symptoms
Symptoms of child abuse and neglect can be physical, psychological, or both.
Keep in mind that older children may not talk about the problem, because they fear or want to protect the offender. Or they don't believe they will be taken seriously.
Certain general symptoms that may suggest that a child is experiencing some type of abuse or neglect include:
- Slower-than-normal development.
The child does not show the abilities and skills normally found in other children the same age, such as starting to talk or socialize with others. Some children regress, which means they slip backward, losing skills they had before.
- Failure to thrive.
This is a term that means the child isn't gaining weight or height the way the child should. Although this can be caused by a medical problem, it can also be a sign that the child is not being well cared for.
- Unusual interaction with a parent.
The parent may not be interested in the child. Or the child may be constantly trying not to upset the parent. The child may actually be afraid of the parent.
- Mental health problems.
These may include low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, or thoughts of suicide.
- Suddenly getting lower grades in school.
For example, a child who normally does well in school suddenly gets low grades.
- Behaving in a way that isn't appropriate or that causes problems.
In a young child, this could mean being unusually fussy, being afraid, or not being interested in activities. Children often act out what they have seen or experienced, such as violence or sexual activity. Older children may act out in ways they haven't before, such as fighting, using drugs, or running away.
Symptoms of physical abuse
Children often get injured. But physical injuries may point to abuse when:
- It's hard to see how they could have been caused by an accident. Suspicious injuries include:
- Injuries that have a pattern, such as a straight line or a circle.
- Injuries to areas of the body that usually are protected, such as the inside of the legs and arms, the back, the genitals, and the buttocks.
- The explanation for the injury changes. Or it's not a believable explanation.
- There are signs that the child has been hurt before.
- The child doesn't receive medical care for the injury.
Symptoms of emotional abuse
Emotional abuse means doing or saying things to hurt a child emotionally. For example, the adult may say things to make the child feel unwanted or worthless. Emotional abuse may cause changes in a child's behavior. A child who is emotionally abused may:
- Not care much about what is going on around them.
- Not react normally to pain, other people, or changes in their life.
- Avoid a particular parent or caregiver.
- Act more fearful, angry, or sad than would seem normal.
- Not do well in school.
- Hurt themself on purpose.
Symptoms of sexual abuse
Sometimes children who've been sexually abused have physical symptoms, such as:
- Discomfort while sitting or using the toilet.
- Genital or anal pain or discharge.
- Blood in their underwear.
- Headaches.
- Belly pain or constipation.
But more often a child will have no physical signs of sexual abuse. Instead, you may notice changes in behavior. For example, the child may:
- Know more about sex than expected or act very sexual.
- Have nightmares or sleep problems.
- Not want to bathe or change clothes.
- Have mood changes, such as seeming depressed, anxious, angry, or fearful.
- Be more quiet or withdrawn than usual, or seem to have secrets.
- Return to behaviors they had outgrown, like bedwetting or thumb-sucking.
- Eat more or less than usual.
- Have a decline in school performance or not want to go to school.
- Act out in risky ways (for example, running away or using drugs).
- Hurt themself or attempt suicide.
Other things can cause these changes. But if you notice symptoms or behaviors that concern you, talk to your child's doctor.
The difference between sexual abuse and normal sexual play
Sexual abuse is very different from normal sexual play between children who have not reached puberty.
Normal sexual play between children of similar ages is usually touching and looking. No force is used.
Sexual abuse includes any sexual activity that the child is not able to understand or consent to. Besides obvious sexual acts, examples include fondling and showing pornography to a child.
Symptoms of neglect
Child neglect means not providing a child with basic needs. A child's general appearance, home environment, and behavior patterns can show signs of neglect.
A child who is neglected may:
- Be very underweight or overweight.
- Be developmentally delayed.
- Be sick or tired most of the time.
- Be dirty or have poor personal hygiene.
- Not have the right clothes for the weather.
Learn more
- Abuse: Signs of Abuse-Related Injuries
- Child Abuse: Emotional Abuse by Parents
- Failure to Thrive
- Rectal Problems Caused by Abuse
- Sexual Abuse: Signs and Symptoms
- Warning Signs of Suicide in Children and Teens