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Cancer in children and adolescents is rare, although the overall incidence of childhood cancer, including ALL, has been slowly increasing since 1975.[
ALL, the most common cancer diagnosed in children, represents approximately 25% of cancer diagnoses among children younger than 15 years.[
A sharp peak in ALL incidence is observed among children aged 1 to 4 years (81 cases per 1 million per year), with rates decreasing to 24 cases per 1 million by age 10 years.[
The incidence of ALL appears to be highest in American Indian or Alaska Native children and adolescents (65.9 cases per 1 million) and Hispanic children and adolescents (48 cases per 1 million).[
Childhood ALL originates in the T and B lymphoblasts in tissues with hematopoietic progenitor cells, such as the bone marrow and thymus (see Figure 1).
Figure 1. Blood cell development. Different blood and immune cell lineages, including T and B lymphocytes, differentiate from a common blood stem cell.
Marrow involvement of acute leukemia as seen by light microscopy is defined as follows:
Almost all patients with ALL present with an M3 marrow.
In the past, ALL lymphoblasts were classified using the French-American-British (FAB) criteria as having L1, L2, or L3 morphology.[
Most cases of ALL that show L3 morphology express surface immunoglobulin (Ig) and have a MYC gene translocation identical to those seen in Burkitt lymphoma (i.e., t(8;14)(q24;q32), t(2;8)) that join MYC to one of the Ig genes. Patients with this specific rare form of leukemia (mature B-cell or Burkitt leukemia) should be treated according to protocols for Burkitt lymphoma. For more information about the treatment of mature B-cell lymphoma/leukemia and Burkitt lymphoma/leukemia, see Childhood Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Treatment. Rarely, blasts with L1/L2 (not L3) morphology will express surface Ig.[
Risk Factors for Developing ALL
The primary accepted risk factors for ALL and associated genes (when relevant) include the following:
Down syndrome
Children with Down syndrome have an increased risk of developing both ALL and AML,[
A genome-wide association study found that four susceptibility loci associated with B-ALL in the non-Down syndrome population (IKZF1, CDKN2A, ARID5B, and GATA3) were also associated with susceptibility to ALL in children with Down syndrome.[
Approximately one-half to two-thirds of cases of acute leukemia in children with Down syndrome are ALL, and about 2% to 3% of childhood ALL cases occur in children with Down syndrome.[
Patients with ALL and Down syndrome have a lower incidence of both favorable (ETV6::RUNX1 fusion and hyperdiploidy [51–65 chromosomes]) and unfavorable (BCR::ABL1 or KMT2A::AFF1 fusions and hypodiploidy [<44 chromosomes]) genomic alterations and a near absence of T-cell phenotype.[
Approximately 50% to 60% of cases of ALL in children with Down syndrome have genomic alterations affecting CRLF2 that generally result in overexpression of the protein produced by this gene, which dimerizes with the interleukin-7 receptor alpha to form the receptor for the cytokine thymic stromal lymphopoietin.[
Based on the relatively small number of published series, it does not appear that genomic CRLF2 aberrations in patients with Down syndrome and ALL have prognostic relevance.[
Approximately 20% to 30% of ALL cases arising in children with Down syndrome have somatically acquired JAK1 or JAK2 variants,[
IKZF1 gene deletions, observed in 20% to 35% of patients with Down syndrome and ALL, have been associated with a significantly worse outcome in this group of patients.[
Approximately 10% of patients with Down syndrome and ALL have genomic alterations leading to overexpression or abnormal activation of the CEBPD, CEBPA, and CEBPE genes.[
Low- and high-penetrance inherited genetic variants
Genetic predisposition to ALL can be divided into several broad categories, as follows:
Genetic risk factors for T-ALL share some overlap with the genetic risk factors for B-ALL, but unique risk factors also exist. A genome-wide association study identified a risk allele near USP7 that was associated with an increased risk of developing T-ALL (odds ratio, 1.44) but not B-ALL. The risk allele was shown to be associated with reduced USP7 transcription, which is consistent with the finding that somatic loss-of-function variants in USP7 are observed in patients with T-ALL. USP7 germline and somatic variants are generally mutually exclusive and are most commonly observed in T-ALL patients with TAL1 alterations.[
Genetic risk factors that have similar impact for developing both B-ALL and T-ALL include CDKN2A, CDKN2B, and 8q24.21 (cis distal enhancer region variants for MYC).[
Prenatal origin of childhood ALL
Development of ALL is a multistep process in most cases, with more than one genomic alteration required for frank leukemia to develop. In at least some cases of childhood ALL, the initial genomic alteration occurs in utero. Evidence to support this comes from the observation that the immunoglobulin or T-cell receptor antigen rearrangements that are unique to each patient's leukemia cells can be detected in blood samples obtained at birth.[
Evidence also exists that some children who never develop ALL are born with rare blood cells carrying a genomic alteration associated with ALL. Initial studies focused on the ETV6::RUNX1 translocation and used reverse transcriptase–polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to identify RNA transcripts indicating the presence of the gene fusion. For example, in one study, 1% of neonatal blood spots (Guthrie cards) tested positive for the ETV6::RUNX1 translocation.[
To more definitively address this question, a highly sensitive and specific DNA-based approach (genomic inverse PCR for exploration of ligated breakpoints) was applied to DNA from 1,000 cord blood specimens and found that 5% of specimens had the ETV6::RUNX1 translocation.[
Clinical Presentation
The typical and atypical symptoms and clinical findings of childhood ALL have been published.[
The evaluation needed to definitively diagnose childhood ALL has been published.[
Overall Prognosis
Among children with ALL, approximately 98% attain remission. Approximately 85% of patients aged 1 to 18 years with newly diagnosed ALL treated on current regimens are expected to be long-term event-free survivors, with more than 90% of patients alive at 5 years.[
Cytogenetic and genomic findings combined with minimal residual disease (MRD) results can define subsets of ALL with EFS rates exceeding 95% and, conversely, subsets with EFS rates of 50% or lower. For more information, see the sections on Cytogenetics/Genomics of Childhood ALL and Prognostic Factors Affecting Risk-Based Treatment.
Despite the treatment advances in childhood ALL, numerous important biological and therapeutic questions remain to be answered before the goal of curing every child with ALL with the least associated toxicity can be achieved. The systematic investigation of these issues requires large clinical trials, and the opportunity to participate in these trials is offered to most patients and families.
Clinical trials for children and adolescents with ALL are generally designed to compare therapy that is currently accepted as standard with investigational regimens that seek to improve cure rates and/or decrease toxicity. In certain trials in which the cure rate for the patient group is very high, therapy reduction questions may be asked. Much of the progress made in identifying curative therapies for childhood ALL and other childhood cancers has been achieved through investigator-driven discovery and tested in carefully randomized, controlled, multi-institutional clinical trials. Information about ongoing clinical trials is available from the
Current Clinical Trials
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The 5th edition of the WHO Classification of Haematolymphoid Tumours lists the following entities for acute lymphoid leukemias:[
WHO 5th Edition Classification of B-Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemias/Lymphomas
The category of B-ALL with other defined genetic abnormalities includes potential novel entities, including B-ALL with DUX4, MEF2D, ZNF384 or NUTM1 rearrangements; B-ALL with IG::MYC fusions; and B-ALL with PAX5alt or PAX5 p.P80R (NP_057953.1) abnormalities.
WHO 5th Edition Classification of T-Lymphoblastic Leukemia/Lymphoma
2016 WHO Classification of Acute Leukemias of Ambiguous Lineage
For acute leukemias of ambiguous lineage, the group of acute leukemias that have characteristics of both acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), the WHO classification system is summarized in Table 1.[
Condition | Definition |
MPAL = mixed phenotype acute leukemia; NOS = not otherwise specified. | |
a Adapted from Béné MC: Biphenotypic, bilineal, ambiguous or mixed lineage: strange leukemias! Haematologica 94 (7): 891-3, 2009.[ |
Acute undifferentiated leukemia | Acute leukemia that does not express any marker considered specific for either lymphoid or myeloid lineage |
MPAL withBCR::ABL1(t(9;22)(q34;q11.2)) | Acute leukemia meeting the diagnostic criteria for mixed phenotype acute leukemia in which the blasts also have the (9;22) translocation or theBCR::ABL1rearrangement |
MPAL withKMT2Arearranged (t(v;11q23)) | Acute leukemia meeting the diagnostic criteria for mixed phenotype acute leukemia in which the blasts also have a translocation involving theKMT2Agene |
MPAL, B/myeloid, NOS (B/M MPAL) | Acute leukemia meeting the diagnostic criteria for assignment to both B and myeloid lineage, in which the blasts lack genetic abnormalities involvingBCR::ABL1orKMT2A |
MPAL, T/myeloid, NOS (T/M MPAL) | Acute leukemia meeting the diagnostic criteria for assignment to both T and myeloid lineage, in which the blasts lack genetic abnormalities involvingBCR::ABL1orKMT2A |
MPAL, B/myeloid, NOS—rare types | Acute leukemia meeting the diagnostic criteria for assignment to both B and T lineage |
Other ambiguous lineage leukemias | Natural killer–cell lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma |
Lineage | Criteria |
a Adapted from Arber et al.[ |
b Strong defined as equal to or brighter than the normal B or T cells in the sample. | |
Myeloid lineage | Myeloperoxidase (flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, or cytochemistry);or monocytic differentiation (at least two of the following: nonspecific esterase cytochemistry, CD11c, CD14, CD64, lysozyme) |
T lineage | Strongb cytoplasmic CD3 (with antibodies to CD3 epsilon chain);or surface CD3 |
B lineage | Strongb CD19 with at least one of the following strongly expressed: CD79a, cytoplasmic CD22, or CD10;or weak CD19 with at least two of the following strongly expressed: CD79a, cytoplasmic CD22, or CD10 |
Leukemias of mixed phenotype may be seen in various presentations, including the following:
Biphenotypic cases represent most of the mixed phenotype leukemias.[
Some studies suggest that patients with biphenotypic leukemia may fare better with a lymphoid, as opposed to a myeloid, treatment regimen.[
For more information about key clinical and biological characteristics, as well as the prognostic significance for these entities, see the Cytogenetics/Genomics of Childhood ALL section.
Genomics of childhood ALL
The genomics of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) has been extensively investigated, and multiple distinctive subtypes have been defined on the basis of cytogenetic and molecular characterizations, each with its own pattern of clinical and prognostic characteristics.[
Throughout this section, the percentages of genomic subtypes from among all B-ALL and T-ALL cases are derived primarily from a report describing the genomic characterization of patients treated on several Children's Oncology Group (COG) and St. Jude Children's Research Hospital (SJCRH) clinical trials. Percentages by subtype are presented for NCI standard-risk and NCI high-risk patients with B-ALL (up to age 18 years).[
B-ALL cytogenetics/genomics
B-ALL is typified by genomic alterations that include: 1) gene fusions that lead to aberrant activity of transcription factors, 2) chromosomal gains and losses (e.g., hyperdiploidy or hypodiploidy), and 3) alterations leading to activation of tyrosine kinase genes.[
Figure 2. Genomic subtypes and frequencies of NCI standard-risk B-ALL. The figure represents data from 1,126 children diagnosed with NCI standard-risk B-ALL (aged 1–9 years and WBC <50,000/µL) and enrolled in St. Jude Children's Research Hospital or Children's Oncology Group clinical trials. Adapted from Supplemental Table 2 of Brady SW, Roberts KG, Gu Z, et al.: The genomic landscape of pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Nature Genetics 54: 1376-1389, 2022.
Figure 3. Genomic subtypes and frequencies of NCI high-risk B-ALL. The figure represents data from 1,084 children diagnosed with NCI high-risk B-ALL (aged 1–18 years and WBC >50,000/µL) and enrolled in St. Jude Children's Research Hospital or Children's Oncology Group clinical trials. Adapted from Supplemental Table 2 of Brady SW, Roberts KG, Gu Z, et al.: The genomic landscape of pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Nature Genetics 54: 1376-1389, 2022.
The genomic landscape of B-ALL is characterized by a range of genomic alterations that disrupt normal B-cell development and, in some cases, by variants in genes that provide a proliferation signal (e.g., activating variants in RAS family genes or variants/translocations leading to kinase pathway signaling). Genomic alterations leading to blockage of B-cell development include translocations (e.g., TCF3::PBX1 and ETV6::RUNX1 fusions), point variants (e.g., IKZF1 and PAX5), and intragenic/intergenic deletions (e.g., IKZF1, PAX5, EBF, and ERG).[
The genomic alterations in B-ALL tend not to occur at random, but rather to cluster within subtypes that can be delineated by biological characteristics such as their gene expression profiles. Cases with recurring chromosomal translocations (e.g., TCF3::PBX1 and ETV6::RUNX1 fusions and KMT2A-rearranged ALL) have distinctive biological features and illustrate this point, as do the examples below of specific genomic alterations within unique biological subtypes:
Activating point variants in kinase genes are uncommon in high-risk B-ALL. JAK genes are the primary kinases that are found to be altered. These variants are generally observed in patients with BCR::ABL1-like ALL who have CRLF2 abnormalities, although JAK2 variants are also observed in approximately 25% of children with Down syndrome and ALL, occurring exclusively in cases with CRLF2 gene rearrangements.[
Understanding of the genomics of B-ALL at relapse is less advanced than the understanding of ALL genomics at diagnosis. Childhood ALL is often polyclonal at diagnosis and under the selective influence of therapy, some clones may be extinguished and new clones with distinctive genomic profiles may arise.[
Several recurrent chromosomal abnormalities have been shown to have prognostic significance, especially in B-ALL. Some chromosomal alterations are associated with more favorable outcomes, such as favorable trisomies (51–65 chromosomes) and the ETV6::RUNX1 fusion.[
In recognition of the clinical significance of many of these genomic alterations, the 5th edition revision of the World Health Organization Classification of Haematolymphoid Tumours lists the following entities for B-ALL:[
The category of B-ALL with other defined genetic abnormalities includes potential novel entities, including B-ALL with DUX4, MEF2D, ZNF384 or NUTM1 rearrangements; B-ALL with IG::MYC fusions; and B-ALL with PAX5alt or PAX5 p.P80R (NP_057953.1) abnormalities.
These and other chromosomal and genomic abnormalities for childhood ALL are described below.
High hyperdiploidy, defined as 51 to 65 chromosomes per cell or a DNA index greater than 1.16, occurs in approximately 33% of NCI standard-risk and 14% of NCI high-risk pediatric B-ALL cases.[
High hyperdiploidy generally occurs in cases with clinically favorable prognostic factors (patients aged 1 to <10 years with a low white blood cell [WBC] count) and is an independent favorable prognostic factor.[
While the overall outcome of patients with high hyperdiploidy is considered to be favorable, factors such as age, WBC count, specific trisomies, and early response to treatment have been shown to modify its prognostic significance.[
Multiple reports have described the prognostic significance of specific chromosome trisomies among children with hyperdiploid B-ALL.
Chromosomal translocations may be seen with high hyperdiploidy, and in those cases, patients are more appropriately risk-classified on the basis of the prognostic significance of the translocation. For instance, in one study, 8% of patients with the BCR::ABL1 fusion also had high hyperdiploidy,[
Certain patients with hyperdiploid ALL may have a hypodiploid clone that has doubled (masked hypodiploidy).[
Near triploidy (68–80 chromosomes) and near tetraploidy (>80 chromosomes) are much less common and appear to be biologically distinct from high hyperdiploidy.[
The genomic landscape of hyperdiploid ALL is characterized by variants in genes of the receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK)/RAS pathway in approximately one-half of cases. Genes encoding histone modifiers are also present in a recurring manner in a minority of cases. Analysis of variant profiles demonstrates that chromosomal gains are early events in the pathogenesis of hyperdiploid ALL and may occur in utero, while variants in RTK/RAS pathway genes are late events in leukemogenesis and are often subclonal.[
B-ALL cases with fewer than the normal number of chromosomes have been subdivided in various ways, with one report stratifying on the basis of modal chromosome number into the following four groups:[
Near-haploid cases represent approximately 2% of NCI standard-risk and 2% of NCI high-risk pediatric B-ALL.[
Low-hypodiploid cases represent approximately 0.5% of NCI standard-risk and 2.6% of NCI high-risk pediatric B-ALL cases.[
Most patients with hypodiploidy are in the near-haploid and low-hypodiploid groups, and both of these groups have an elevated risk of treatment failure compared with nonhypodiploid cases.[
The recurring genomic alterations of near-haploid and low-hypodiploid ALL appear to be distinctive from each other and from other types of ALL.[
Fusion of the ETV6 gene on chromosome 12 to the RUNX1 gene on chromosome 21 is present in approximately 27% of NCI standard-risk and 10% of NCI high-risk pediatric B-ALL cases.[
The ETV6::RUNX1 fusion produces a cryptic translocation that is detected by methods such as FISH, rather than conventional cytogenetics, and it occurs most commonly in children aged 2 to 9 years.[
Reports generally indicate favorable EFS and overall survival (OS) rates in children with the ETV6::RUNX1 fusion; however, the prognostic impact of this genetic feature is modified by the following factors:[
In one study of the treatment of newly diagnosed children with ALL, multivariate analysis of prognostic factors found age and leukocyte count, but not ETV6::RUNX1 fusion status, to be independent prognostic factors.[
There is a higher frequency of late relapses in patients with ETV6::RUNX1 fusions compared with other relapsed B-ALL patients.[
The BCR::ABL1 fusion leads to production of a BCR::ABL1 fusion protein with tyrosine kinase activity (see Figure 4).[
Figure 4. The Philadelphia chromosome is a translocation between the ABL1 oncogene (on the long arm of chromosome 9) and the BCR gene (on the long arm of chromosome 22), resulting in the fusion gene BCR::ABL1. BCR::ABL1 encodes an oncogenic protein with tyrosine kinase activity.
Ph+ ALL is more common in older children with B-ALL and high WBC counts, with the incidence of the BCR::ABL1 fusions increasing to about 25% in young adults with ALL.
Historically, the BCR::ABL1 fusion was associated with an extremely poor prognosis (especially in those who presented with a high WBC count or had a slow early response to initial therapy), and its presence had been considered an indication for allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) in patients in first remission.[
The International Consensus Classification of acute lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma from 2022 divides BCR::ABL1–positive B-ALL into two subtypes: cases with lymphoid-only involvement and cases with multilineage involvement.[
Rearrangements involving the KMT2A gene with more than 100 translocation partner genes result in the production of fusion oncoproteins. KMT2A gene rearrangements occur in up to 80% of infants with ALL. Beyond infancy, approximately 1% of NCI standard-risk and 4% of NCI high-risk pediatric B-ALL cases have KMT2A rearrangements.[
These rearrangements are generally associated with an increased risk of treatment failure, particularly in infants.[
Patients with KMT2A::AFF1 fusions are usually infants with high WBC counts. These patients are more likely than other children with ALL to have central nervous system (CNS) disease and to have a poor response to initial therapy.[
Whole-genome sequencing has determined that cases of infant ALL with KMT2A gene rearrangements have frequent subclonal NRAS or KRAS variants and few additional genomic alterations, none of which have clear clinical significance.[
Of interest, the KMT2A::MLLT1 fusion (t(11;19)(q23;p13.3)) occurs in approximately 1% of ALL cases and occurs in both early B-lineage ALL and T-ALL.[
Fusion of the TCF3 gene on chromosome 19 to the PBX1 gene on chromosome 1 is present in approximately 4% of NCI standard-risk and 5% of NCI high-risk pediatric B-ALL cases.[
The TCF3::PBX1 fusion had been associated with inferior outcome in the context of antimetabolite-based therapy,[
The TCF3::HLF fusion occurs in less than 1% of pediatric ALL cases. ALL with the TCF3::HLF fusion is associated with disseminated intravascular coagulation and hypercalcemia at diagnosis. Outcome is very poor for children with the TCF3::HLF fusion, with a literature review noting mortality for 20 of 21 cases reported.[
Approximately 3% of NCI standard-risk and 6% of NCI high-risk pediatric B-ALL patients have a rearrangement involving DUX4 that leads to its overexpression.[
ERG deletion connotes an excellent prognosis, with OS rates exceeding 90%. Even when the IZKF1 deletion is present, prognosis remains highly favorable.[
Gene fusions involving MEF2D, a transcription factor that is expressed during B-cell development, are observed in approximately 0.3% of NCI standard-risk and 3% of NCI high-risk pediatric B-ALL cases.[
Although multiple fusion partners may occur, most cases involve BCL9, which is located on chromosome 1q21, as is MEF2D.[
The median age at diagnosis for cases of MEF2D-rearranged ALL in studies that included both adult and pediatric patients was 12 to 14 years.[
ZNF384 is a transcription factor that is rearranged in approximately 0.3% of NCI standard-risk and 2.7% of NCI high-risk pediatric B-ALL cases.[
East Asian ancestry was associated with an increased prevalence of ZNF384.[
NUTM1-rearranged B-ALL is most commonly observed in infants, representing 3% to 5% of overall cases of B-ALL in this age group and approximately 20% of infant B-ALL cases lacking the KMT2A rearrangement.[
The NUTM1 gene is located on chromosome 15q14, and some cases of B-ALL with NUTM1 rearrangements show chromosome 15q aberrations, but other cases are cryptic and have no cytogenetic abnormalities.[
The NUTM1 rearrangement appears to be associated with a favorable outcome.[
This entity is included in the 2016 revision of the World Health Organization (WHO) classification of tumors of the hematopoietic and lymphoid tissues.[
The number of cases of IGH::IL3 ALL described in the published literature is too small to assess the prognostic significance of the IGH::IL3 fusion. Diagnosis of cases of IGH::IL3 ALL may be delayed because the ALL clone in the bone marrow may be small, and because it can present with hypereosinophilia in the absence of cytopenias and circulating blasts.[
iAMP21 occurs in approximately 5% of NCI standard-risk and 7% of NCI high-risk pediatric B-ALL cases.[
iAMP21 is associated with older age (median, approximately 10 years), presenting WBC count of less than 50 × 109 /L, a slight female preponderance, and high end-induction MRD.[
The United Kingdom Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (UKALL) clinical trials group initially reported that the presence of iAMP21 conferred a poor prognosis in patients treated in the MRC ALL 97/99 trial (5-year EFS rate, 29%).[
Gene expression analysis identified two distinctive ALL subsets with PAX5 genomic alterations, called PAX5alt and PAX5 p.P80R (NP_057953.1).[
PAX5alt. PAX5 rearrangements have been reported to represent approximately 3% of NCI standard-risk and 11% of NCI high-risk pediatric B-ALL cases.[
Intragenic amplification of PAX5 was identified in approximately 1% of B-ALL cases, and it was usually detected in cases lacking known leukemia-driver genomic alterations.[
PAX5 p.P80R (NP_057953.1). PAX5 with a p.P80R variant shows a gene expression profile distinctive from that of other cases with PAX5 alterations.[
Outcome for the pediatric patients with PAX5 p.P80R and PAX5alt treated in a COG clinical trial appears to be intermediate (5-year EFS rate, approximately 75%).[
BCR::ABL1-negative patients with a gene expression profile similar to BCR::ABL1-positive patients have been referred to as Ph-like,[
Retrospective analyses have indicated that patients with BCR::ABL1-like ALL have a poor prognosis.[
The hallmark of BCR::ABL1-like ALL is activated kinase signaling, with approximately 35% to 50% containing CRLF2 genomic alterations [
Many of the remaining cases of BCR::ABL1-like ALL have been noted to have a series of translocations involving tyrosine-kinase encoding ABL-class fusion genes, including ABL1, ABL2, CSF1R, and PDGFRB.[
BCR::ABL1-like ALL cases with non-CRLF2 genomic alterations represent approximately 3% of NCI standard-risk and 8% of NCI high-risk pediatric B-ALL cases.[
Approximately 9% of BCR::ABL1-like ALL cases result from rearrangements that lead to overexpression of a truncated erythropoietin receptor (EPOR).[
CRLF2. Genomic alterations in CRLF2, a cytokine receptor gene located on the pseudoautosomal regions of the sex chromosomes, have been identified in 5% to 10% of cases of B-ALL. These alterations represent approximately 50% of cases of BCR::ABL1-like ALL.[
BCR::ABL1-like B-ALL with CRLF2 genomic alterations is observed in approximately 2% of NCI standard-risk and 5% of NCI high-risk pediatric B-ALL cases.[
ALL with genomic alterations in CRLF2 occurs at a higher incidence in children with Hispanic or Latino genetic ancestry [
The P2RY8::CRLF2 fusion is observed in 70% to 75% of pediatric patients with CRLF2 genomic alterations, and it occurs in younger patients (median age, approximately 4 years vs. 14 years for patients with IGH::CRLF2).[
IGH::CRLF2 and P2RY8::CRLF2 commonly occur as an early event in B-ALL development and show clonal prevalence.[
CRLF2 abnormalities are strongly associated with the presence of IKZF1 deletions. Deletions of IKZF1 are more common in cases with IGH::CRLF2 fusions than in cases with P2RY8::CRLF2 fusions.[
Although the results of several retrospective studies suggest that CRLF2 abnormalities may have adverse prognostic significance in univariate analyses, most do not find this abnormality to be an independent predictor of outcome.[
IKZF1 deletions, including deletions of the entire gene and deletions of specific exons, are present in approximately 15% of B-ALL cases. Less commonly, IKZF1 can be inactivated by deleterious point variants.[
Cases with IKZF1 deletions tend to occur in older children, have a higher WBC count at diagnosis, and are therefore more common in NCI high-risk patients than in NCI standard-risk patients.[
Multiple reports have documented the adverse prognostic significance of an IKZF1 deletion, and most studies have reported that this deletion is an independent predictor of poor outcome in multivariate analyses.[
There are few published results of changing therapy on the basis of IKZF1 gene status. The Malaysia-Singapore group published results of two consecutive trials. In the first trial (MS2003), IKZF1 status was not considered in risk stratification, while in the subsequent trial (MS2010), IKZF1-deleted patients were excluded from the standard-risk group. Thus, more IKZF1-deleted patients in the MS2010 trial received intensified therapy. Patients with IKZF1-deleted ALL had improved outcomes in MS2010 compared with patients in MS2003, but interpretation of this observation is limited by other changes in risk stratification and therapeutic differences between the two trials.[
In the Dutch ALL11 study, patients with IKZF1 deletions had maintenance therapy extended by 1 year, with the goal of improving outcomes.[
MYC gene rearrangements are a rare but recurrent finding in pediatric patients with B-ALL. Patients with rearrangements of the MYC gene and the IGH2, IGK, and IGL genes at 14q32, 2p12, and 22q11.2, respectively, have been reported.[
T-ALL cytogenetics/genomics
T-ALL is characterized by genomic alterations leading to activation of transcriptional programs related to T-cell development and by a high frequency of cases (approximately 60%) with variants in NOTCH1 and/or FBXW7 that result in activation of the NOTCH1 pathway.[
In Figure 5 below, pediatric T-ALL cases are divided into 10 molecular subtypes based on their RNA expression and gene variant status. These cases were derived from patients enrolled in SJCRH and COG clinical trials.[
Figure 5. Genomic subtypes of T-ALL. The figure represents data from 466 children, adolescents, and young adults diagnosed with T-ALL and enrolled in St. Jude Children's Research Hospital or Children's Oncology Group clinical trials. Adapted from Brady SW, Roberts KG, Gu Z, et al.: The genomic landscape of pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Nature Genetics 54: 1376-1389, 2022.
Notch pathway signaling is commonly activated by NOTCH1 and FBXW7 gene variants in T-ALL, and these are the most commonly altered genes in pediatric T-ALL.[
The prognostic significance of NOTCH1 and FBXW7 variants may be modulated by genomic alterations in RAS and PTEN. The French Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia Study Group (FRALLE) and the Group for Research on Adult Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia reported that patients having altered NOTCH1 or FBXW7 and wild-type PTEN and RAS constituted a favorable-risk group (i.e., low-risk group), while patients with PTEN or RAS variants, regardless of NOTCH1 and FBXW7 status, have a significantly higher risk of treatment failure (i.e., high-risk group).[
Multiple chromosomal translocations have been identified in T-ALL that lead to deregulated expression of the target genes. These chromosome rearrangements fuse genes encoding transcription factors (e.g., TAL1, TAL2, LMO1, LMO2, LYL1, TLX1, TLX3, NKX2-I, HOXA, and MYB) to one of the T-cell receptor loci (or to other genes) and result in deregulated expression of these transcription factors in leukemia cells.[
Translocations resulting in chimeric fusion proteins are also observed in T-ALL.[
Early T-cell precursor (ETP) ALL cytogenetics/genomics
Detailed molecular characterization of ETP ALL showed this entity to be highly heterogeneous at the molecular level, with no single gene affected by variant or copy number alteration in more than one-third of cases.[
Studies have found that the absence of biallelic deletion of the TCR-gamma locus (ABD), as detected by comparative genomic hybridization and/or quantitative DNA-PCR, was associated with early treatment failure in patients with T-ALL.[
Allele-specific, generally high expression of BCL11B plays an oncogenic role in a subset of cases identified as ETP ALL (7 of 58 in one study) as well as in up to 30% to 40% of lineage ambiguous leukemia T/M mixed phenotype acute leukemia (T/M MPAL).[
Mixed phenotype acute leukemia (MPAL) cytogenetics/genomics
For acute leukemias of ambiguous lineage, the WHO classification system is summarized in Table 3.[
Condition | Definition |
MPAL = mixed phenotype acute leukemia; NOS = not otherwise specified. | |
a Adapted from Béné MC: Biphenotypic, bilineal, ambiguous or mixed lineage: strange leukemias! Haematologica 94 (7): 891-3, 2009.[ |
Acute undifferentiated leukemia | Acute leukemia that does not express any marker considered specific for either lymphoid or myeloid lineage |
MPAL withBCR::ABL1(t(9;22)(q34;q11.2)) | Acute leukemia meeting the diagnostic criteria for MPAL in which the blasts also have the (9;22) translocation or theBCR::ABL1rearrangement |
MPAL withKMT2A(t(v;11q23)) | Acute leukemia meeting the diagnostic criteria for MPAL in which the blasts also have a translocation involving theKMT2Agene |
MPAL, B/myeloid, NOS (B/M MPAL) | Acute leukemia meeting the diagnostic criteria for assignment to both B and myeloid lineage, in which the blasts lack genetic abnormalities involvingBCR::ABL1orKMT2A |
MPAL, T/myeloid, NOS (T/M MPAL) | Acute leukemia meeting the diagnostic criteria for assignment to both T and myeloid lineage, in which the blasts lack genetic abnormalities involvingBCR::ABL1orKMT2A |
MPAL, B/myeloid, NOS—rare types | Acute leukemia meeting the diagnostic criteria for assignment to both B and T lineage |
Other ambiguous lineage leukemias | Natural killer–cell lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma |
Lineage | Criteria |
a Adapted from Arber et al.[ |
b Strong defined as equal to or brighter than the normal B or T cells in the sample. | |
Myeloid lineage | Myeloperoxidase (flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, or cytochemistry);or monocytic differentiation (at least two of the following: nonspecific esterase cytochemistry, CD11c, CD14, CD64, lysozyme) |
T lineage | Strongb cytoplasmic CD3 (with antibodies to CD3 epsilon chain);or surface CD3 |
B lineage | Strongb CD19 with at least one of the following strongly expressed: CD79a, cytoplasmic CD22, or CD10;or weak CD19 with at least two of the following strongly expressed: CD79a, cytoplasmic CD22, or CD10 |
The classification system for MPAL includes two entities that are defined by their primary molecular alteration: MPAL with BCR::ABL1 translocation and MPAL with KMT2A rearrangement. The genomic alterations associated with the MPAL, B/myeloid, NOS (B/M MPAL) and MPAL, T/myeloid, NOS (T/M MPAL) entities are distinctive, as described below:
Gene polymorphisms in drug metabolic pathways
Several polymorphisms of genes involved in the metabolism of chemotherapeutic agents have been reported to have prognostic significance in childhood ALL.[
Patients with variant phenotypes of TPMT (a gene involved in the metabolism of thiopurines such as mercaptopurine) appear to have more favorable outcomes,[
Germline variants in NUDT15 that reduce or abolish activity of this enzyme also lead to diminished tolerance to thiopurines.[
Gene polymorphisms may also affect the expression of proteins that play central roles in the cellular effects of anticancer drugs. As an example, patients who are homozygous for a polymorphism in the promoter region of CEP72 (a centrosomal protein involved in microtubule formation) are at increased risk of vincristine neurotoxicity.[
Genome-wide polymorphism analysis has identified specific single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with high end-induction MRD and risk of relapse. Polymorphisms of interleukin-15, as well as genes associated with the metabolism of etoposide and methotrexate, were significantly associated with treatment response in two large cohorts of ALL patients treated on SJCRH and COG protocols.[
Introduction to Risk-Based Treatment
Children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) are usually treated according to risk groups defined by both clinical and laboratory features. The intensity of treatment required for cure varies substantially among subsets of children with ALL. Risk-based treatment assignment is used in children with ALL so that patients with favorable clinical and biological features who are likely to have a very good outcome with modest therapy can be spared more intensive and toxic treatment, while a more aggressive, potentially more toxic therapeutic approach is reserved for patients with a lower probability of long-term survival.[
Certain ALL study groups, such as the Children's Oncology Group (COG), use a more- or less-intensive induction regimen based on a subset of pretreatment factors, while other groups give a similar induction regimen to all patients.
Factors used by the COG to determine the intensity of induction include the following:
The NCI risk group classification for B-ALL stratifies risk according to age and white blood cell (WBC) count, as follows:[
All study groups modify the intensity of postinduction therapy on the basis of a variety of prognostic factors, including NCI risk group, immunophenotype, early response determinations, and cytogenetics and genomic alterations.[
Risk-based treatment assignment requires the availability of prognostic factors that reliably predict outcome. For children with ALL, a number of factors have demonstrated prognostic value, some of which are described below.[
As in any discussion of prognostic factors, the relative order of significance and the interrelationship of the variables are often treatment dependent and require multivariate analysis to determine which factors operate independently as prognostic variables. Because prognostic factors are treatment dependent, improvements in therapy may diminish or abrogate the significance of any of these prognostic factors.
A subset of the prognostic and clinical factors discussed below is used for the initial stratification of children with ALL for treatment assignment. For brief descriptions of the prognostic groupings currently applied in ongoing clinical trials in the United States, see the Prognostic (risk) groups under clinical evaluation section.
For information about important prognostic factors at relapse, see the Prognostic Factors After First Relapse of Childhood ALL section.
Prognostic Factors Affecting Risk-Based Treatment
Patient and clinical disease characteristics
Patient and clinical disease characteristics affecting prognosis include the following:
Age at diagnosis
Age at diagnosis has strong prognostic significance in patients with B-ALL, reflecting the different underlying biology of ALL in different age groups.[
Infants with ALL have a particularly high risk of treatment failure. Treatment failure is most common in the following groups:
Up to 80% of infants with ALL have a translocation of 11q23 with numerous chromosome partners generating a KMT2A gene rearrangement.[
The frequency of KMT2A gene rearrangements is extremely high in infants younger than 6 months. From 6 months to 1 year, the incidence of KMT2A rearrangements decreases but remains significantly higher than that observed in older children.[
Black infants with ALL are significantly less likely to have KMT2A rearrangements than White infants.[
A comparison of the landscape of somatic variants in infants and older children with KMT2A-rearranged ALL revealed significant differences between the two groups. This result suggests distinctive age-related biological behaviors for KMT2A-rearranged ALL that may relate to the significantly poorer outcome for infants.[
For more information about infants with ALL, see the Infants With ALL section.
Young children (aged 1 to <10 years) with B-ALL have a better disease-free survival (DFS) rate than older children, adolescents, and infants.[
In general, the outcome of patients with B-ALL aged 10 years and older is inferior to that of patients aged 1 to younger than 10 years.[
Multiple retrospective studies have established that adolescents aged 16 to 21 years have a better outcome when treated on pediatric versus adult protocols.[
WBC count at diagnosis
A WBC count of 50,000/µL is generally used as an operational cut point between better and poorer prognosis,[
The median WBC count at diagnosis is much higher for T-ALL (>50,000/µL) than for B-ALL (<10,000/µL), and there is no consistent effect of WBC count at diagnosis on prognosis for T-ALL.[
CNS involvement at diagnosis
The presence or absence of CNS leukemia at diagnosis has prognostic significance in both patients with B-ALL and T-ALL. Patients who have a nontraumatic diagnostic lumbar puncture may be placed into one of three categories according to the number of WBC/µL and the presence or absence of blasts on cytospin as follows:
Children with B-ALL or T-ALL who present with CNS3 disease at diagnosis are at a higher risk of treatment failure (both within the CNS and systemically) than patients who are classified as CNS1 or CNS2.[
A traumatic lumbar puncture (≥10 erythrocytes/µL) that includes blasts at diagnosis has also been associated with increased risk of CNS relapse and overall poorer outcome in some studies,[
Most clinical trial groups have approached the treatment of CNS2 and traumatic lumbar puncture patients by using more intensive therapy, primarily additional doses of intrathecal therapy during induction.[
To determine whether a patient with a traumatic lumbar puncture (with blasts) should be treated as CNS3, the COG uses an algorithm relating the WBC and red blood cell counts in the spinal fluid and the peripheral blood.[
Testicular involvement at diagnosis
Overt testicular involvement at the time of diagnosis occurs in approximately 2% of males,[
In early ALL trials, testicular involvement at diagnosis was an adverse prognostic factor. With more aggressive initial therapy, however, it does not appear to have prognostic significance.[
The role of radiation therapy for testicular involvement is unclear. A study from St. Jude Children's Research Hospital (SJCRH) suggests that a good outcome can be achieved with aggressive conventional chemotherapy without radiation.[
Down syndrome (trisomy 21)
Outcomes in children with Down syndrome and ALL have often been somewhat inferior to outcomes in children without Down syndrome.[
In some studies, the prognosis for girls with ALL is slightly better than it is for boys with ALL.[
Race and ethnicity
Over the last several decades in the United States, survival rates in Black and Hispanic children with ALL have been somewhat lower than those in White children with ALL.[
The following factors associated with race and ethnicity influence survival:
Weight at diagnosis and during treatment
Studies of the impact of obesity on the outcome of ALL have had variable results. In most of these studies, obesity is defined as weight above the 95th percentile for age and height.
In a study of 762 pediatric patients with ALL (aged 2–17 years), the Dutch Childhood Oncology Group found that those who were underweight at diagnosis (defined as BMI standard deviation score < -1.8; 8% of the population) had an almost twofold higher risk of relapse compared with patients who were not underweight (after adjusting for risk group and age), although this did not result in a difference in EFS or OS. Patients with a decrease in BMI during the first 32 weeks of treatment had similar rates of relapse as other patients, but had significantly worse OS, primarily because of poorer salvage rates after relapse.[
Leukemic characteristics
Leukemic cell characteristics affecting prognosis include the following:
The 2016 revision to the World Health Organization (WHO) classification of myeloid neoplasms and acute leukemia classifies ALL as either B-lymphoblastic leukemia or T-lymphoblastic leukemia, with further subdivisions based on molecular characteristics.[
Either B- or T-lymphoblastic leukemia can coexpress myeloid antigens. These cases need to be distinguished from leukemia of ambiguous lineage.
Before 2008, the WHO classified B-lymphoblastic leukemia as precursor B-lymphoblastic leukemia, and this terminology is still frequently used in the literature of childhood ALL to distinguish it from mature B-cell ALL. Mature B-cell ALL is now termed Burkitt leukemia and requires different treatment than has been given for B-ALL (precursor B-cell ALL).
B-ALL, defined by the expression of CD19, HLA-DR, cytoplasmic CD79a, and other B-cell–associated antigens, accounts for 80% to 85% of childhood ALL. Approximately 90% of B-ALL cases express the CD10 surface antigen (formerly known as common ALL antigen). Absence of CD10 is often associated with KMT2A rearrangements, particularly t(4;11)(q21;q23), and a poor outcome.[
The major immunophenotypic subtypes of B-ALL are as follows:
Approximately three-quarters of patients with B-ALL have the common precursor B-cell immunophenotype and have the best prognosis. Patients with favorable cytogenetics almost always show a common precursor B-cell immunophenotype.
Approximately 5% of patients have the pro-B immunophenotype. Pro-B is the most common immunophenotype seen in infants and is often associated with KMT2A gene rearrangements.
The leukemic cells of patients with pre-B ALL contain cytoplasmic Ig, and 25% of patients with pre-B ALL have the t(1;19)(q21;p13) translocation with the TCF3::PBX1 fusion.[
Approximately 3% of patients have transitional pre-B ALL with expression of surface Ig heavy chain in the absence of Ig light chain expression, MYC gene involvement, and L3 morphology. Patients with this phenotype respond well to therapy used for B-ALL.[
Approximately 2% of patients present with mature B-cell leukemia (surface Ig expression, generally with French-American-British criteria L3 morphology and an 8q24 translocation involving MYC), also called Burkitt leukemia. The treatment for mature B-cell ALL is based on therapy for non-Hodgkin lymphoma and is completely different from the treatment for B-ALL. Rare cases of mature B-cell leukemia that lack surface Ig but have L3 morphology with MYC gene translocations should also be treated as mature B-cell leukemia.[
A small number of cases of IG::MYC-translocated leukemias with precursor B-cell immunophenotype (e.g., absence of CD20 expression and surface Ig expression) have been reported.[
T-ALL is defined by expression of the T-cell–associated antigens (cytoplasmic CD3, with CD7 plus CD2 or CD5) on leukemic blasts. T-ALL is frequently associated with a constellation of clinical features, including the following:[
While not true historically, with appropriately intensive therapy, children with T-ALL now have an outcome approaching that of children with B-ALL.[
There are few commonly accepted prognostic factors for patients with T-ALL. Conflicting data exist regarding the prognostic significance of presenting leukocyte counts in T-ALL.[
Early T-cell precursor (ETP) ALL.
ETP ALL, a distinct subset of childhood T-ALL, was initially defined by identifying T-ALL cases with gene expression profiles highly related to expression profiles for normal early T-cell precursors.[
Initial reports describing ETP ALL suggested that this subset of patients has a poorer prognosis than other patients with T-ALL.[
Up to one-third of childhood ALL patients have leukemia cells that express myeloid-associated surface antigens. Myeloid-associated antigen expression appears to be associated with specific ALL subgroups, notably those with KMT2A rearrangements, ETV6::RUNX1, and BCR::ABL1.[
For information about leukemia of ambiguous lineage, see the 2016 WHO Classification of Acute Leukemias of Ambiguous Lineage section.
Cytogenetics/genomic alterations
For information about B-ALL and T-ALL cytogenetics/genomics and gene polymorphisms in drug metabolic pathways, see the Cytogenetics/Genomics of Childhood ALL section.
Response to initial treatment
The rapidity with which leukemia cells are eliminated after initiation of treatment and the level of residual disease at the end of induction are associated with long-term outcome. Because treatment response is influenced by the drug sensitivity of leukemic cells and host pharmacodynamics and pharmacogenomics,[
MRD determination in bone marrow at the end of induction and end of consolidation
Morphological assessment of residual leukemia in blood or bone marrow is often difficult and is relatively insensitive. Traditionally, a cutoff of 5% blasts in the bone marrow (detected by light microscopy) has been used to determine remission status. This corresponds to a level of 1 in 20 malignant cells. To detect lower levels of leukemic cells in either blood or marrow, specialized techniques are required. Such techniques include polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays, which determine unique Ig/T-cell receptor gene rearrangements and fusion transcripts produced by chromosome translocations, or flow cytometric assays, which detect leukemia-specific immunophenotypes. With these techniques, detection of as few as 1 leukemia cell in 100,000 normal cells is possible, and MRD at the level of 1 in 10,000 cells (1 × 10-4 or 0.01%) can be detected routinely.[
Multiple studies have demonstrated that end-induction MRD is an important, independent predictor of outcome in children and adolescents with B-lineage ALL.[
End-induction MRD is used by almost all groups as a factor in determining the intensity of postinduction treatment. Patients found to have higher MRD levels (typically >0.1% to 0.01%) are allocated to more intensive therapies.[
A study of 619 children with ALL compared the prognostic utility of MRD by flow cytometry with the more sensitive HTS assay. Using an end-induction MRD cut point level of 0.01%, HTS identified approximately 30% more cases as positive (i.e., >0.01%). Patients identified as positive by HTS but negative by flow cytometry had an intermediate prognosis, compared with patients categorized as either positive or negative by both methods. Patients meeting the criteria for standard-risk ALL with undetectable MRD by HTS had an especially good prognosis (5-year EFS rate, 98.1%).[
MRD levels obtained 10 to 12 weeks after the start of treatment (end-consolidation) have also been shown to be prognostically important. Patients with high levels of MRD at this time point have a significantly inferior EFS compared with other patients.[
Another study also indicated that MRD at a later time point may be more prognostically significant in T-ALL.[
MRD measurements, in conjunction with other presenting features, have also been used to identify subsets of patients with an extremely low risk of relapse. The COG reported a very favorable prognosis (5-year EFS rate, 97% ± 1%) for patients with precursor B-cell phenotype, NCI standard risk age/leukocyte count, CNS1 status, and favorable cytogenetic abnormalities (either high hyperdiploidy with favorable trisomies or the ETV6::RUNX1 fusion) who had less than 0.01% MRD levels at both day 8 (from peripheral blood) and end-induction (from bone marrow).[
Modifying therapy on the basis of MRD determination has been shown to improve outcome.
Compared with previous trials conducted by the same group, therapy was less intensive for standard-risk patients but more intensive for moderate-risk and high-risk patients. The overall 5-year EFS rate (87%) and OS rate (92%) were superior to the previous Dutch studies.
Day 7 and day 14 bone marrow responses
Patients who have a rapid reduction in leukemia cells to less than 5% in their bone marrow within 7 or 14 days after the initiation of multiagent chemotherapy have a more favorable prognosis than patients who have slower clearance of leukemia cells from the bone marrow.[
Peripheral blood response to steroid prophase
Patients with a reduction in peripheral blast count to less than 1,000/µL after a 7-day induction prophase with prednisone and one dose of intrathecal methotrexate (a good prednisone response) have a more favorable prognosis than patients whose peripheral blast counts remain above 1,000/µL (a poor prednisone response).[
Peripheral blood response to multiagent induction therapy
Patients with persistent circulating leukemia cells at 7 to 10 days after the initiation of multiagent chemotherapy are at increased risk of relapse, compared with patients who have clearance of peripheral blasts within 1 week of therapy initiation.[
Peripheral blood MRD before end of induction (day 8, day 15)
MRD measured in peripheral blood obtained 1 week after the initiation of multiagent induction chemotherapy has also been evaluated as an early response-to-therapy prognostic factor.
Both studies identified a group of patients who achieved low MRD levels after 1 week of multiagent induction therapy who had a low rate of subsequent treatment failure.
Persistent leukemia at the end of induction (induction failure)
Nearly all children with ALL achieve complete morphological remission by the end of the first month of treatment. The presence of greater than 5% lymphoblasts by morphological assessment at the end of the induction phase is observed in 1% to 2% of children with ALL.[
Features associated with a higher risk of induction failure include the following:[
In a large retrospective study, the OS rate of patients with induction failure was only 32%.[
Flow cytometry versus morphology
MRD is now being integrated with morphological assessment into the response to induction therapy, on the basis of studies that showed that patients with MRD levels above 5%, despite morphological CR, had outcomes similar to patients with morphological induction failure.
Outcome | M1/MRD <5% | P valueb | M1/MRD ≥5% | P valuec | M2/MRD ≥5% | |
HR = high risk; MRD = minimal residual disease; SR = standard risk. | ||||||
a Adapted from Gupta et al.[ |
b P value is comparing M1/MRD <5% with M1/MRD ≥5%. | ||||||
c P value is comparing M1/MRD ≥5% with M2/MRD ≥5%. | ||||||
Event-free survival rates: | ||||||
B-ALL, overall | 87.1% ± 0.4% (n = 7,682) | <.0001 | 59.1% ± 6.5% (n = 66) | .009 | 39.1% ± 7.9% (n = 40) | |
B-ALL, SR | 90.8% ± 0.4% (n = 5,000) | .25 | 85.9% ± 7.6% (n = 22) | .45 | 76.2% ± 15.2% (n = 9) | |
B-ALL, HR | 80% ± 0.9% (n = 2,682) | <.0001 | 44.9% ± 8.3% (n = 44) | .05 | 29% ± 8.2% (n = 31) | |
T-ALL | 87.6% ± 1.5% (n = 1,303) | .01 | 80.3% ± 7.3% (n = 97) | .13 | 62.7% ± 13.5% (n = 40) | |
Overall survival rates: | ||||||
B-ALL, overall | 93.8% ± 0.3% (n = 7,682) | <.0001 | 77.2% ± 5.6% (n = 66) | .01 | 59% ± 8.9% (n = 40) | |
B-ALL, SR | 96.6% ± 0.3% (n = 5,000) | .24 | 95.5% ± 4.6% (n = 22 ) | .75 | 88.9% ± 12.1% (n = 9) | |
B-ALL, HR | 88.4% ± 0.7% (n = 2,682) | <.0001 | 66.9% ± 8.3% (n = 44) | .06 | 51.4% ± 10.4% (n = 31) | |
T-ALL | 91.9% ± 1.3% (n = 1,303) | .005 | 83.4% ± 6.8% (n = 97) | .34 | 76.7% ± 12.3% (n = 40) |
Prognostic (Risk) Groups
For decades, clinical trial groups studying childhood ALL have used risk classification schemes to assign patients to therapeutic regimens on the basis of their estimated risk of treatment failure. Initial risk classification systems used clinical factors such as age and presenting WBC count. Response-to-therapy measures were subsequently added, with some groups using early morphological bone marrow response (e.g., at day 8 or day 15) and with other groups using response of circulating leukemia cells to single-agent prednisone. Contemporary risk classification systems continue to use clinical factors such as age and presenting WBC count and incorporate cytogenetics and genomic lesions of leukemia cells at diagnosis (e.g., favorable and unfavorable translocations) and response to therapy based on detection of MRD at end of induction (and in some cases at later time points).[
Children's Oncology Group (COG) risk groups
In COG protocols, children with ALL are initially stratified into treatment groups (with varying degrees of risk of treatment failure) on the basis of a subset of prognostic factors, including the following:
EFS rates exceed 85% in children meeting good-risk criteria (aged 1 to <10 years, WBC count <50,000/μL, and precursor B-cell immunophenotype). In children meeting high-risk criteria, EFS rates are approximately 75%.[
Patients who are at very high risk of treatment failure include the following:[
Berlin-Frankfurt-Münster (BFM) risk groups
Since 2000, risk stratification on BFM protocols has been based on treatment response criteria, as well as biology. Treatment response is assessed primarily via MRD measurements at two time points, end-induction (time point 1, week 5) and end of the IB phase (similar to COG consolidation phase) at week 12 (time point 2). High MRD at both time points is defined as higher than 5 × 10-4.
The BFM defines 3 risk groups based on early response:[
Biological factors used to stratify patients as high risk (regardless of MRD at either time point) include KMT2A::AFF1, TCF3::HLF, and hypodiploidy (<45 chromosomes). Patients with IKZF1-plus status (IKZF1 deletions that co-occurred with deletions in CDKN2A, CDKN2B, PAX5, or PAR1 in the absence of ERG deletion) [
Prognostic (risk) groups under clinical evaluation
Morphological assessment of early response in the bone marrow is no longer performed on days 8 and 15 of induction as part of risk stratification. Patients with T-cell phenotype are treated on separate trials and are not risk classified in this way.
For patients with B-ALL, the definitions of favorable, unfavorable, and neutral cytogenetics are as follows:
NCI standard-risk patients are divided into a highly favorable group (standard-risk favorable; 5-year DFS rate, >95%), a group with favorable outcome (standard-risk average; 5-year DFS rate, 90%–95%), and a group with a 5-year DFS rate below 90% (standard-risk high). Patients classified as standard-risk high receive postinduction backbone chemotherapy as per high-risk B-ALL regimens with intensified consolidation, interim maintenance, and reinduction therapy. Criteria for these three groups are provided in Table 6, Table 7, and Table 8 below.
NCI Risk Group | CNS Stage | Steroid Pretreatmenta | Favorable Genetics (ETV6::RUNX1or DT) | PB MRD Day 8 | BM MRD Day 29 |
BM = bone marrow; CNS = central nervous system; DT = double trisomy; MRD = minimal residual disease; NCI = National Cancer Institute; PB = peripheral blood; SR = standard risk. | |||||
a Within one month prior to diagnosis. | |||||
SR | 1, 2 | None | Yes | <1% | <0.01% |
NCI Risk Group | CNS Stage | ETV6::RUNX1 | DT | Neutral Cytogenetics | PB MRD Day 8 | BM MRD Day 29 |
BM = bone marrow; CNS = central nervous system; DT = double trisomy; MRD = minimal residual disease; NCI = National Cancer Institute; PB = peripheral blood; SR = standard risk. | ||||||
SR | 1, 2 | Yes to either | No | ≥1% | <0.01% | |
SR | 1, 2 | No | Yes | No | Any | ≥0.01 to <0.1% |
SR | 1 | No | No | Yes | Any | <0.01% |
NCI Risk Group | CNS Stage | ETV6::RUNX1 | DT | Neutral Cytogenetics | Unfavorable Cytogenetics | PB MRD Day 8 | BM MRD Day 29 |
BM = bone marrow; CNS = central nervous system; DT = double trisomy; MRD = minimal residual disease; NCI = National Cancer Institute; PB = peripheral blood; SR = standard risk. | |||||||
SR | 1, 2 | Yes | No | No | No | Any | ≥0.01% |
SR | 1, 2 | No | Yes | No | No | Any | ≥0.1% |
SR | 1 | No | No | Yes | No | Any | ≥0.01% |
SR | 2 | No | No | Yes | No | Any | Any |
SR | 1, 2 | No | No | No | Yes | Any | Any |
High-risk favorable B-ALL is defined by the characteristics in Table 9. These patients have an EFS rate higher than 90% on past COG clinical trials for high-risk patients.
NCI Risk Group | Age (y) | CNS Status | Testicular Leukemia | Steroid Pretreatment | Favorable Genetics (ETV6::RUNX1or DT) | Bone marrow MRD EOI |
HR | <10 | 1 | None | ≤24 hoursa | Yes | <0.01% |
CNS = central nervous system; DT = double trisomy; EOI = end of induction; HR = high risk; MRD = minimal residual disease; NCI = National Cancer Institute. | ||||||
a Within two weeks of diagnosis. |
High-risk B-ALL is defined by the characteristics in Table 10. NCI standard-risk patients are elevated to high-risk status based on steroid pretreatment and CNS and/or testicular involvement.
NCI Risk Group | Age (y) | CNS and/or Testicular Leukemia | Steroid Pretreatment | Cytogenetics | Bone marrow MRD EOI | Bone marrow MRD EOC |
CNS = central nervous system; EOC = end of consolidation; EOI = end of induction; HR = high risk; MRD = minimal residual disease; N/A = not applicable; NCI = National Cancer Institute; SR = standard risk. | ||||||
a CNS3. | ||||||
b Philadelphia chromosome–positive (Ph+) ALL is excluded. | ||||||
c Only subjects with EOI bone marrow MRD ≥0.01% will have a bone marrow MRD assessment at EOC. | ||||||
d Within 2 weeks of diagnosis. | ||||||
e CNS2 or CNS3. | ||||||
SR | <10 | Yesa | Any | Anyb | Any | <1%c |
SR | <10 | No | >24 hoursd | Anyb | Any | <1%c |
HR | ≥10 | Any | Any | Anyb | <0.01% | N/A |
HR | <10 | Yese | Any | Anyb | <0.01% | N/A |
HR | <10 | No | >24 hoursd | Anyb | <0.01% | N/A |
HR | <10 | No | ≤24 hoursd | Neutral/unfavorableb | <0.01% | N/A |
HR | Any | Any | Any | Anyb | ≥0.01% | <0.01% |
NCI high-risk patients with end-of-consolidation marrow MRD ≥0.01% are classified as very high risk and are eligible for a chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell clinical trial in first remission (NCT03792633).
Patients with B-ALL and Down syndrome are classified into risk groups similar to other children, but Down syndrome patients classified as high risk receive a treatment regimen that is modified to reduce toxicity.
Current Clinical Trials
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Phases of Therapy
Treatment for children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is typically divided into the following phases:
Sanctuary Sites
Historically, certain extramedullary sites have been considered sanctuary sites (i.e., anatomic spaces that are poorly penetrated by many of the orally and intravenously administered chemotherapy agents typically used to treat ALL). The two most important sanctuary sites in childhood ALL are the central nervous system (CNS) and the testes. Successful treatment of ALL requires therapy that effectively addresses clinical or subclinical involvement of leukemia in these extramedullary sanctuary sites.
Central nervous system (CNS)
At diagnosis, approximately 3% of patients have CNS3 disease (defined as cerebrospinal fluid specimen with ≥5 white blood cells/μL with lymphoblasts and/or the presence of cranial nerve palsies). However, unless specific therapy is directed toward the CNS, most children will eventually develop overt CNS leukemia whether or not lymphoblasts were detected in the spinal fluid at initial diagnosis. CNS-directed treatments include intrathecal chemotherapy, CNS-directed systemic chemotherapy, and cranial radiation. Some or all of these treatments are included in current regimens for ALL. For more information, see the CNS-Directed Therapy for Childhood ALL section.
Overt testicular involvement at the time of diagnosis occurs in approximately 2% of males. In early ALL trials, testicular involvement at diagnosis was an adverse prognostic factor. With more aggressive initial therapy, however, the prognostic significance of initial testicular involvement is unclear.[
The treatment of children and adolescents with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) entails complicated risk assignment, extensive therapies, and intensive supportive care (e.g., transfusions; management of infectious complications; and emotional, financial, and developmental support). Because of these factors, the evaluation and treatment of these patients are best coordinated by a multidisciplinary team in cancer centers or hospitals with all of the necessary pediatric supportive care facilities.[
For specific information about supportive care for children and adolescents with cancer, see the summaries on
The American Academy of Pediatrics has outlined guidelines for pediatric cancer centers and their role in the treatment of children and adolescents with cancer.[
Clinical trials are generally available for children with ALL, with specific protocols designed for children at standard (low) risk of treatment failure and for children at higher risk of treatment failure. Clinical trials for children with ALL are generally designed to compare standard therapy for a particular risk group with a potentially better treatment approach that may improve survival and/or diminish toxicities associated with the standard treatment regimen. Other types of clinical trials test novel therapies when there is no standard therapy for a cancer diagnosis. Many of the therapeutic innovations that produced increased survival rates in children with ALL were achieved through clinical trials, and it is appropriate for children and adolescents with ALL to be offered participation in a clinical trial. Information about ongoing clinical trials is available from the
Risk-based treatment assignment is an important therapeutic strategy for children with ALL. This approach allows children who historically have a very good outcome to be treated with less intensive therapy and to be spared more toxic treatments, while children with a historically lower probability of long-term survival receive more intensive therapy that may increase their chance of cure. For more information about clinical and laboratory features that have shown prognostic value, see the Risk-Based Treatment Assignment section.
Standard Induction Treatment Options for Newly Diagnosed ALL
Standard treatment options for newly diagnosed childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) include the following:
Remission induction chemotherapy
The goal of the first phase of therapy (remission induction) is to induce a complete remission (CR). This induction phase typically lasts 4 weeks. Overall, approximately 98% of patients with newly diagnosed B-ALL achieve CR by the end of this phase, with somewhat lower rates in infants and in noninfant patients with T-ALL or high presenting leukocyte counts.[
Induction chemotherapy typically consists of the following drugs, with or without an anthracycline (either doxorubicin or daunorubicin):
The Children's Oncology Group (COG) protocols administer a three-drug induction (vincristine, corticosteroid, and pegaspargase) to National Cancer Institute (NCI) standard-risk B-ALL patients and a four-drug induction (vincristine, corticosteroid, and pegaspargase plus anthracycline) to NCI high-risk B-ALL and all T-ALL patients. Other groups use a four-drug induction for all patients.[
Corticosteroid therapy
Many current regimens use dexamethasone instead of prednisone during remission induction and later phases of therapy, although controversy exists as to whether dexamethasone benefits all subsets of patients. Some trials also suggest that dexamethasone during induction may be associated with more toxicity than prednisone, including higher rates of infection, myopathy, and behavioral changes.[
Evidence (dexamethasone vs. prednisone during induction):
The ratio of dexamethasone to prednisone dose used may influence outcome. Studies in which the dexamethasone to prednisone ratio was 1:5 to 1:7 have shown a better result for dexamethasone, while studies that used a 1:10 ratio have shown similar outcomes.[
Several forms of asparaginase have been used in the treatment of children with ALL, including the following:
Pegaspargase (PEG-asparaginase)
Pegaspargase is a form of L-asparaginase in which the E. coli–derived enzyme is modified by the covalent attachment of polyethylene glycol. It is commonly used during both induction and postinduction phases of treatment in newly diagnosed patients treated in Western Europe. Pegaspargase is not available in the United States, but it is still available in other countries.
Pegaspargase may be given either intramuscularly (IM) or intravenously (IV).[
Pegaspargase has a much longer serum half-life than native E. coli L-asparaginase, producing prolonged asparagine depletion after a single injection.[
Serum asparaginase enzyme activity levels of more than 0.1 IU/mL have been associated with serum asparagine depletion. Studies have shown that a single dose of pegaspargase given either IM or IV as part of multiagent induction results in serum enzyme activity of more than 0.1 IU/mL in nearly all patients for at least 2 to 3 weeks.[
In another study, doses of pegaspargase were reduced in an attempt to decrease toxicity.[
Evidence (use of pegaspargase versus native E. coli L-asparaginase):
Patients with an allergic reaction to pegaspargase are typically switched to Erwinia L-asparaginase. A COG analysis investigated the deleterious effect on disease-free survival (DFS) of early discontinuation of treatment with pegaspargase in patients with high-risk B-ALL. The study found that the adverse effect on outcome could be reversed with the use of Erwinia L-asparaginase to complete the planned course of asparaginase therapy.[
Evidence (adverse prognostic impact of early discontinuation of pegaspargase or silent inactivation of asparaginase):
Determination of the optimal frequency of pharmacokinetic monitoring for pegaspargase-treated patients, and whether such screening impacts outcome, awaits further investigation.
In an attempt to decrease hypersensitivity reactions to pegaspargase, the Dutch Childhood Oncology Group-ALL11 protocol randomly assigned patients to receive either continuous or noncontinuous dosing after induction therapy. The occurrence of inactivating hypersensitivity reactions was seven times lower and antibody levels were significantly lower in the continuous-dosing arm. There was no difference in total number of asparaginase toxicities or the 5-year incidences of relapse, death, or disease-free survival between the treatment arms.[
Calaspargase pegol
Calaspargase pegol is another formulation of pegylated asparaginase that is also available for the treatment of children and adolescents with ALL.[
Evidence (calaspargase pegol vs. pegaspargase):
Calaspargase pegol has only been approved for use in the United States for patients younger than 22 years.
AsparaginaseErwinia chrysanthemi(ErwiniaL-asparaginase)
Erwinia L-asparaginase is typically used in patients who have experienced an allergy to native E. coli or pegaspargase.
The half-life of Erwinia L-asparaginase (0.65 days) is much shorter than that of native E. coli (1.2 days) or pegaspargase (5.7 days).[
Evidence (increased dose frequency of Erwinia L-asparaginase needed to achieve goal therapeutic effect):
A recombinant form of Erwinia L-asparaginase, asparaginase erwinia chrysanthemi (recombinant)-rywn, was studied in a phase II/III COG trial. When it was given on a Monday (25 mg/m2), Wednesday (25 mg/m2), and Friday (50 mg/m2) schedule for six doses, the proportion of patients who achieved asparaginase levels of 0.1 IU/mL or greater was 90% at 72 hours (44 of 49 patients) and 96% at 48 hours (47 of 49 patients). The safety profile was comparable with other forms of asparaginase.[
Anthracycline use during induction
The COG protocols administer a three-drug induction (vincristine, corticosteroid, and pegaspargase) to NCI standard-risk B-ALL patients and a four-drug induction (vincristine, corticosteroid, and pegaspargase plus an anthracycline) to NCI high-risk B-ALL and all T-ALL patients. Other groups use a four-drug induction for all patients.[
In induction regimens that include an anthracycline, either daunorubicin or doxorubicin are typically used. In a randomized trial comparing the two agents during induction, there were no differences in early response measures, including reduction in peripheral blood blast counts during the first week of therapy, day 15 marrow morphology, and end-induction MRD levels.[
Response to remission induction chemotherapy
More than 95% of children with newly diagnosed ALL will achieve a CR within the first 4 weeks of treatment. Of those who fail to achieve CR within the first 4 weeks, approximately one-half will experience a toxic death during the induction phase (usually caused by infection) and the other half will have resistant disease (persistent morphological leukemia).[
Remission is classically defined as an end-induction bone marrow examination by routine microscopic cytomorphology with fewer than 5% lymphoblasts at the end of induction (M1). The Ponte de Legno consortium includes approximately 15 large national and international cooperative groups devoted to the study and treatment of childhood ALL. This group published a consensus definition of complete remission, as follows:[
Most patients with persistence of morphologically detectable leukemia at the end of the 4-week induction phase have a poor prognosis and may benefit from an allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) once CR is achieved.[
A follow-up retrospective study reported the outcomes of 325 children and adolescents with T-ALL and initial induction failure who were treated between 2000 and 2018.[
The incorporation of nelarabine may be of value for patients with T-ALL and have induction failure. The COG AALL0434 (NCT00408005) study included 43 patients with more than 25% blasts in an end-induction bone marrow aspirate. Of these patients, 23 patients were nonrandomly assigned to therapy that included high-dose methotrexate and nelarabine as part of a multidrug regimen, and 20 patients underwent allogeneic transplant. The 5-year EFS rate was 53.1% (± 9.4%) for the patients who received high-dose methotrexate and nelarabine. There was no difference in outcome for these two groups (HR, 0.66; 95% CI, 0.24–1.83; P = .423).[
For patients who achieve CR, measures of the rapidity of blast clearance and MRD determinations have important prognostic significance, particularly the following:
For more information, see the Response to initial treatment section.
For specific information about CNS therapy to prevent CNS relapse in children with newly diagnosed ALL, see the CNS-Directed Therapy for Childhood ALL section.
Standard Postinduction Treatment Options for Childhood ALL
Standard treatment options for consolidation/intensification and maintenance therapy (postinduction therapy) include the following:
CNS-directed therapy is provided during premaintenance chemotherapy by all groups. Some protocols (COG, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital [SJCRH], and DFCI) provide ongoing intrathecal chemotherapy during maintenance, while others (Berlin-Frankfurt-Münster [BFM]) do not. For specific information about CNS therapy to prevent CNS relapse in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) who are receiving postinduction therapy, see the CNS-Directed Therapy for Childhood ALL section.
Consolidation/intensification therapy
Once CR has been achieved, systemic treatment in conjunction with CNS-directed therapy follows. The intensity of the postinduction chemotherapy varies considerably depending on risk group assignment, but all patients receive some form of intensification after the achievement of CR and before beginning maintenance therapy.
The most commonly used intensification schema is the BFM backbone. This therapeutic backbone, first introduced by the BFM clinical trials group, includes the following:[
An interim maintenance phase, which includes intrathecal therapy and four doses of high-dose methotrexate (typically 5 g/m2) with leucovorin rescue.
This backbone has been adopted by many groups, including the COG. Variation of this backbone includes the following:
Other clinical trial groups utilize a different therapeutic backbone during postinduction treatment phases, as follows:
Standard-risk ALL
In children with low- and standard-risk B-ALL, there has been an attempt to limit exposure to drugs such as anthracyclines and alkylating agents that may be associated with an increased risk of late toxic effects.[
Favorable outcomes for standard-risk patients with B-ALL were also reported in trials that used a limited number of courses of intermediate-dose or high-dose methotrexate as consolidation followed by maintenance therapy (without a reinduction phase).[
However, the prognostic impact of end-induction and/or consolidation MRD has influenced the treatment of patients originally diagnosed as NCI standard risk. Multiple studies have demonstrated that higher levels of end-induction MRD are associated with poorer prognosis.[
Evidence (intensification for standard-risk B-ALL):
High-risk ALL
In high-risk patients, a number of different approaches have been used with comparable efficacy.[
Evidence (intensification for high-risk ALL):
Because treatment for high-risk ALL involves more intensive therapy, leading to a higher risk of acute and long-term toxicities, a number of clinical trials have tested interventions to prevent side effects without adversely impacting EFS. Interventions that have been investigated include the use of the cardioprotectant dexrazoxane to prevent anthracycline-related cardiac toxic effects and alternative scheduling of corticosteroids to reduce the risk of osteonecrosis.
Evidence (cardioprotective effect of dexrazoxane):
Evidence (reducing risk of osteonecrosis):
For more information, see the Osteonecrosis section.
Very high-risk ALL
Approximately 10% to 20% of patients with ALL are classified as very high risk, including the following:[
Patients with very high-risk features have been treated with multiple cycles of intensive chemotherapy during the consolidation phase (usually in addition to the typical BFM backbone intensification phases). These additional cycles often include agents not typically used in frontline ALL regimens for standard-risk and high-risk patients, such as high-dose cytarabine, ifosfamide, and etoposide.[
On some clinical trials, very high-risk patients have also been considered candidates for allogeneic HSCT in first CR.[
Evidence (allogeneic HSCT in first remission for very high-risk patients):
Maintenance therapy
Backbone of maintenance therapy
The backbone of maintenance therapy in most protocols includes daily oral mercaptopurine and weekly oral or parenteral methotrexate. On many protocols, intrathecal chemotherapy for CNS sanctuary therapy is continued during maintenance therapy. Also, vincristine/steroid pulses during maintenance are used by some groups but not others (see below). It is imperative to carefully monitor children on maintenance therapy for both drug-related toxicity and for compliance with the oral chemotherapy agents used during maintenance therapy.[
In the past, clinical practice generally called for the administration of oral mercaptopurine in the evening, on the basis of evidence from older studies that this practice may improve EFS.[
Some patients may develop severe hematologic toxicity when receiving conventional dosages of mercaptopurine because of an inherited deficiency (homozygous mutant) of thiopurine S-methyltransferase, an enzyme that inactivates mercaptopurine.[
Evidence (maintenance therapy):
On the basis of these findings, SJCRH modified the agents used in the rotating pair schedule during the maintenance phase. On the Total XV study, standard-risk and high-risk patients received three rotating pairs (mercaptopurine plus methotrexate, cyclophosphamide plus cytarabine, and dexamethasone plus vincristine) throughout this treatment phase. Low-risk patients received more standard maintenance (without cyclophosphamide and cytarabine).[
Vincristine/corticosteroid pulses
Pulses of vincristine and corticosteroid are often added to the standard maintenance backbone, although the benefit of these pulses within the context of contemporary multiagent chemotherapy regimens remains controversial.
Evidence (vincristine/corticosteroid pulses):
For regimens that include vincristine/steroid pulses, a number of studies have addressed which steroid (dexamethasone or prednisone) should be used. From these studies, it appears that dexamethasone is associated with superior EFS, but also may lead to a greater frequency of steroid-associated complications, including bone toxicity and infections, especially in older children and adolescents.[
Evidence (dexamethasone vs. prednisone):
The benefit of using dexamethasone in children aged 10 to 18 years requires further investigation because of the increased risk of steroid-induced osteonecrosis in this age group.[
Duration of maintenance therapy
Maintenance chemotherapy generally continues for 2 to 3 years of continuous CR. On some studies, boys are treated longer than girls.[
Adherence to oral medications during maintenance therapy
Nonadherence to treatment with mercaptopurine during maintenance therapy is associated with a significant risk of relapse.[
Evidence (adherence to treatment):
Treatment options under clinical evaluation
Risk-based treatment assignment is a key therapeutic strategy utilized for children with ALL, and protocols are designed for specific patient populations that have varying degrees of risk of treatment failure. The Risk-Based Treatment Assignment section of this summary describes the clinical and laboratory features used for the initial stratification of children with ALL into risk-based treatment groups.
Information about NCI-supported clinical trials can be found on the
The following are examples of national and/or institutional clinical trials that are currently being conducted:
COG studies for B-ALL
Standard-risk ALL
All patients receive a three-drug induction with dexamethasone (no anthracycline). After completion of induction, patients are classified into one of three groups on the basis of biology and early response measures:
Standard-risk favorable patients will be treated with standard therapy.
All standard-risk average patients will have MRD evaluated at day 29 of induction using high-throughput sequencing (HTS)-MRD assay. HTS-MRD undetectable patients will be treated with standard therapy, while patients with HTS-MRD detectable disease (or if HTS-MRD is indeterminate or unavailable), as well as those with double trisomies and day 29 marrow MRD of ≥0.01% to <0.1% will be eligible to participate in a randomization of standard therapy or standard therapy plus the addition of two cycles of blinatumomab.
Standard-risk high patients will be treated with the augmented BFM (NCI high risk) backbone. Any patients with end-consolidation MRD of >1% are removed from protocol therapy. Those with end-consolidation MRD of <0.1% will be eligible to participate in a randomization of either the NCI high-risk backbone alone or this therapy plus two cycles of blinatumomab. Those with end-consolidation MRD of ≥0.1% and <1% will be directly assigned to receive NCI high-risk backbone therapy plus two cycles of blinatumomab.
NCI standard-risk Down syndrome patients who meet definition of standard-risk average will be treated in the same way as non-Down syndrome standard-risk average patients, as detailed above. All other Down syndrome patients, including NCI high-risk Down syndrome patients, those with unfavorable biology, and those with high day 29 MRD will be considered Down syndrome-high, and will be nonrandomly assigned to receive two cycles of blinatumomab added to a deintensified chemotherapy regimen that omits intensive elements of the augmented BFM treatment backbone. Omitted elements include anthracyclines during induction and cyclophosphamide/cytarabine-based chemotherapy during the second half of delayed intensification.
All patients, regardless of risk group, will receive the same duration of therapy (2 years from the start of interim maintenance 1 phase). This represents a reduction in treatment duration by 1 year for boys compared with COG standard treatment.
High-risk and very high-risk ALL
For patients with B-ALL, the protocol is testing whether the addition of two blocks of inotuzumab ozogamicin to a modified-BFM backbone will improve DFS and whether reducing duration of treatment in boys (from 3 years from the start of interim maintenance 1 phase to 2 years from the start of that phase) will adversely impact DFS. The study also aims to determine the EFS of patients with MPAL and disseminated B-lymphoblastic lymphoma who are treated with a standard high-risk ALL chemotherapy regimen.
All patients receive a four-drug induction (including prednisone and daunorubicin). After completion of induction, subsequent therapy depends on age, biology, and response to therapy.
All patients will receive the same duration of therapy (2 years from the start of interim maintenance 1 phase). This represents a reduction in treatment duration by 1 year for boys, compared with standard treatment. NCI high-risk B-ALL patients with EOC MRD of ≥0.01% are removed from protocol therapy and are eligible to enroll on the COG-AALL1721 trial (see above). NCI standard-risk patients with EOC MRD of ≥1% are removed from protocol therapy and are not eligible for enrollment on the COG-AALL1721 trial.
Patients enrolled on this trial will undergo leukapheresis to collect autologous T cells, which will then be sent for manufacturing of tisagenlecleucel. While awaiting completion of manufacturing, patients will proceed with interim maintenance phase 1 (high-dose methotrexate); this phase may be interrupted as soon as product is available. Once available, patients will then receive lymphodepleting chemotherapy and infusion of tisagenlecleucel. No further anti-leukemic treatment is to be administered after tisagenlecleucel. Marrow samples will be obtained at regular intervals postinfusion, beginning at day 29 after tisagenlecleucel administration to assess disease status; tests of peripheral blood will also be sent to screen for evidence of B-cell aplasia.
Patients must have evidence of CD19-positivity at diagnosis to enroll on trial. Patients with M3 marrow at end of induction, M2/M3 marrow at end of consolidation, hypodiploidy (<44 chromosomes), BCR::ABL1 ALL, or previous treatment with tyrosine kinase inhibitors are excluded from enrollment.
Standard-risk patients on both arms will continue to receive imatinib until the completion of all planned chemotherapy (2 years of treatment). The objective of the standard-risk randomization is to determine whether the less-intensive chemotherapy backbone is associated with a similar DFS and lower rates of treatment-related morbidity and mortality compared with the standard therapy (EsPhALL chemotherapy backbone).
High-risk patients will proceed to HSCT after completion of three consolidation blocks of chemotherapy. Treatment with imatinib will restart after HSCT and be administered from day 56 until day 365. The aim is to test the feasibility of post-HSCT administration of imatinib and describe the outcomes of these patients.
Current Clinical Trials
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Overview of CNS-Directed Treatment Regimens
At diagnosis, approximately 3% of patients have CNS3 disease (defined as cerebrospinal fluid [CSF] specimen with ≥5 white blood cells [WBC]/μL with lymphoblasts and/or the presence of cranial nerve palsies). However, unless specific therapy is directed toward the CNS, most children will eventually develop overt CNS leukemia whether or not lymphoblasts were detected in the spinal fluid at initial diagnosis. Therefore, all children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) should receive systemic combination chemotherapy together with some form of CNS prophylaxis.
Because the CNS is a sanctuary site (i.e., an anatomical space that is poorly penetrated by many of the systemically administered chemotherapy agents typically used to treat ALL), specific CNS-directed therapies must be instituted early in treatment to eliminate clinically evident CNS disease at diagnosis and to prevent CNS relapse in all patients. Historically, survival rates for children with ALL improved dramatically after CNS-directed therapies were added to treatment regimens.
Standard treatment options for CNS-directed therapy include the following:
All of these treatment modalities have a role in the treatment and prevention of CNS leukemia. The combination of intrathecal chemotherapy plus CNS-directed systemic chemotherapy is standard. Cranial radiation is reserved for select situations.[
The type of CNS-therapy that is used is based on a patient's risk of CNS-relapse, with higher-risk patients receiving more intensive treatments. Data suggest that the following groups of patients are at increased risk of CNS relapse:
CNS-directed treatment regimens for newly diagnosed childhood ALL are presented in Table 11.
Disease Status | Standard Treatment Options | |
ALL = acute lymphoblastic leukemia; CNS = central nervous system; CNS3 = cerebrospinal fluid with ≥5 white blood cells/µL, cytospin positive for blasts, or cranial nerve palsies. | ||
a The drug itself is not CNS-penetrant, but leads to cerebrospinal fluid asparagine depletion. | ||
Standard-risk ALL | Intrathecal chemotherapy | |
Methotrexate alone | ||
Methotrexate with cytarabine and hydrocortisone | ||
CNS-directed systemic chemotherapy | ||
Dexamethasone | ||
L-asparaginasea | ||
High-dose methotrexate with leucovorin rescue | ||
Escalating-dose intravenous methotrexate (no leucovorin rescue) | ||
High-risk and very high-risk ALL | Intrathecal chemotherapy | |
Methotrexate alone | ||
Methotrexate with cytarabine and hydrocortisone | ||
CNS-directed systemic chemotherapy | ||
Dexamethasone | ||
L-asparaginasea | ||
High-dose methotrexate with leucovorin rescue | ||
Cranial radiation therapy |
A major goal of current ALL clinical trials is to provide effective CNS therapy while minimizing neurological toxic effects and other late effects.
Intrathecal Chemotherapy
All therapeutic regimens for childhood ALL include intrathecal chemotherapy. Intrathecal chemotherapy is usually started at the beginning of induction, intensified during consolidation and, in many protocols, continued throughout the maintenance phase.
Intrathecal chemotherapy typically consists of one of the following:[
Unlike intrathecal cytarabine, intrathecal methotrexate has a significant systemic effect, which may contribute to prevention of marrow relapse.[
CNS-Directed Systemic Chemotherapy
In addition to therapy delivered directly to the brain and spinal fluid, systemically administered agents are also an important component of effective CNS prophylaxis. The following systemically administered drugs provide some degree of CNS prophylaxis:
Evidence (CNS-directed systemic chemotherapy):
Cranial Radiation Therapy
The proportion of patients receiving cranial radiation therapy has decreased significantly over time. At present, most newly diagnosed children with ALL are treated without cranial radiation therapy. Many groups administer cranial radiation therapy only to those patients considered to be at highest risk of subsequent CNS relapse, such as those with documented CNS leukemia at diagnosis (as defined above) (≥5 WBC/μL with blasts; CNS3) and/or T-cell phenotype with high presenting WBC count.[
In patients who do receive radiation therapy, the cranial radiation dose has been significantly reduced and administration of spinal irradiation is not standard.
Ongoing trials seek to determine whether radiation therapy can be eliminated from the treatment of all children with newly diagnosed ALL without compromising survival or leading to increased rate of toxicities from upfront and salvage therapies.[
CNS Therapy for Standard-Risk Patients
Intrathecal chemotherapy without cranial radiation therapy, given in the context of appropriate systemic chemotherapy, results in CNS relapse rates of less than 5% for children with standard-risk ALL.[
The use of cranial radiation therapy is not a necessary component of CNS-directed therapy for these patients.[
Evidence (triple intrathecal chemotherapy vs. intrathecal methotrexate):
CNS Therapy for High-Risk and Very High-Risk Patients Without CNS Involvement
Intrathecal chemotherapy
Approaches to intrathecal therapy have also been studied in high-risk patients.
Evidence (triple intrathecal chemotherapy vs. intrathecal methotrexate):
Cranial radiation therapy
Controversy exists as to whether high-risk and very high-risk patients should be treated with cranial radiation therapy, although there is a growing consensus that cranial radiation therapy may not be necessary for most of these patients.[
Both the proportion of patients receiving radiation therapy and the dose of radiation administered have decreased over the last two decades.
Evidence (cranial radiation therapy):
CNS Therapy for Patients With CNS3 Disease at Diagnosis
Therapy for ALL patients with clinically evident CNS disease (≥5 WBC/high-power field with blasts on cytospin; cranial nerve palsies-CNS3) at diagnosis typically includes intrathecal chemotherapy and cranial radiation therapy (usual dose is 18 Gy).[
Evidence (cranial radiation therapy):
Larger prospective studies will be necessary to fully elucidate the safety of omitting cranial radiation therapy in CNS3 patients.
CNS Therapy Options Under Clinical Evaluation
Information about NCI-supported clinical trials can be found on the
Toxicity of CNS-Directed Therapy
Toxic effects of CNS-directed therapy for childhood ALL can be acute and subacute or late developing. For more information, see the Late Effects of the Central Nervous System section in Late Effects of Treatment for Childhood Cancer.
Acute and subacute toxicities
The most common acute side effect associated with intrathecal chemotherapy alone is seizures. Up to 5% of nonirradiated patients with ALL treated with frequent doses of intrathecal chemotherapy will have at least one seizure during therapy.[
Patients with ALL who develop seizures during the course of treatment and who receive anticonvulsant therapy should not receive phenobarbital or phenytoin as anticonvulsant treatment, as these drugs may increase the clearance of some chemotherapeutic drugs and adversely affect treatment outcome.[
Late-developing toxicities
Late effects associated with CNS-directed therapies include subsequent neoplasms, neuroendocrine disturbances, leukoencephalopathy, and neurocognitive impairments.
Subsequent neoplasms are observed primarily in survivors who received cranial radiation therapy. Meningiomas are the most commonly observed second neoplasm and are most often of low malignant potential. However, high-grade lesions can also occur. In a SJCRH retrospective study of more than 1,290 patients with ALL who had never relapsed, the 30-year cumulative incidence of a subsequent neoplasm occurring in the CNS was 3%. Excluding meningiomas, the 30-year cumulative incidence was 1.17%.[
Neurocognitive impairments, which can range in severity and functional consequences, have been documented in long-term ALL survivors treated both with and without radiation therapy. In general, patients treated without cranial radiation therapy have less severe neurocognitive sequelae than irradiated patients, and the deficits that do develop represent relatively modest declines in a limited number of domains of neuropsychological functioning.[
Several studies have also evaluated the impact of other components of treatment on the development of late neurocognitive impairments. A comparison of neurocognitive outcomes of patients treated with methotrexate versus triple intrathecal chemotherapy showed no clinically meaningful difference.[
Evidence (neurocognitive late effects of cranial radiation):
Evidence (neurocognitive late effects in nonirradiated patients):
Historically, patients with T-acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) have had a worse prognosis than children with B-ALL. In a review of a large number of patients treated on Children's Oncology Group (COG) trials over a 15-year period, T-cell immunophenotype still proved to be a negative prognostic factor on multivariate analysis.[
Treatment options for T-ALL
Treatment options for T-ALL include the following:
Evidence (chemotherapy and prophylactic cranial radiation therapy):
The use of prophylactic cranial radiation therapy in the treatment of patients with T-ALL is declining. Some groups, such as St. Jude Children's Research Hospital (SJCRH) and the Dutch Childhood Oncology Group (DCOG), do not use cranial radiation therapy in first-line treatment of ALL. Other groups, such as DFCI, COG, and BFM, are now limiting radiation therapy to patients with very high-risk features or CNS3 disease.
Treatment options under clinical evaluation for T-ALL
Information about NCI-supported clinical trials can be found on the
Current Clinical Trials
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Infants With ALL
Infant ALL is uncommon, representing approximately 2% to 4% of cases of childhood ALL.[
Infants diagnosed within the first few months of life have a particularly poor outcome. In one study, patients diagnosed within 1 month of birth had a 2-year OS rate of 20%.[
For infants with KMT2A gene rearrangements, the EFS rates at 4 to 5 years continue to be in the 35% range.[
In one report, any CNS involvement at diagnosis (CNS2, CNS3, or traumatic lumbar puncture with blasts) was also found to be an independent predictor of adverse outcome in infants with KMT2A-rearranged ALL.[
In addition to having a significantly higher relapse rate than older children with ALL, infant patients more frequently present with a higher acuity. In a large retrospective study, infants with ALL were more likely to present with multisystem organ failure than noninfants (12% and 1%). Infants also had greater requirements for blood products, diuretics, supplemental oxygen, and mechanical ventilation during induction, compared with noninfants.[
Infants are also at higher risk of developing treatment-related toxicity, especially infection. With current treatment approaches for this population, treatment-related mortality has been reported to occur in about 10% of infants, a rate that is much higher than the rate in older children with ALL.[
Treatment options for infants withKMT2Arearrangements
Infants with KMT2A gene rearrangements are generally treated on intensified chemotherapy regimens using agents not typically incorporated into frontline therapy for older children with ALL. However, despite these intensified approaches, EFS rates remain poor for these patients.
Evidence (intensified chemotherapy regimens for infants with KMT2A rearrangements):
Exploratory studies were conducted to evaluate the impact of sufficient lestaurtinib blood levels to achieve FLT3 inhibition and to evaluate the impact of ex vivo sensitivity of leukemia cells to lestaurtinib.
The role of allogeneic HSCT during first remission in infants with KMT2A gene rearrangements remains controversial.
Evidence (allogeneic HSCT in first remission for infants with KMT2A rearrangements):
For infants with ALL who undergo transplant in first CR, outcomes appear to be similar with non–total-body irradiation (TBI) regimens and TBI-based regimens.[
Treatment options for infants withoutKMT2Arearrangements
The optimal treatment for infants without KMT2A rearrangements also remains unclear, in part because of the paucity of data on the use of standard ALL regimens used in older children.
Treatment options under clinical evaluation for infants with ALL
Information about NCI-supported clinical trials can be found on the
Adolescents and Young Adults With ALL
Adolescents and young adults with ALL have been recognized as high risk for decades. Outcomes for this age group are inferior in almost all studies of treatment compared with children younger than 10 years.[
In addition to more frequent adverse prognostic factors, patients in this age group have higher rates of treatment-related mortality [
Treatment options for adolescents and young adults with ALL
Studies from the United States and France were among the first to identify the difference in outcome based on treatment regimens.[
Given the relatively favorable outcome that can be obtained in these patients with chemotherapy regimens used for high-risk pediatric ALL, there is no role for the routine use of allogeneic HSCT for adolescents and young adults with ALL in first remission.[
Evidence (use of a pediatric treatment regimen for adolescents and young adults with ALL):
The reason that adolescents and young adults achieve superior outcomes with pediatric regimens is not known, although possible explanations include the following:[
Site and Study Group | Adolescent and Young Adult Patients (No.) | Median age (y) | Survival (%) |
ALL = acute lymphoblastic leukemia; EFS = event-free survival; OS = overall survival. | |||
AIEOP = Associazione Italiana di Ematologia e Oncologia Pediatrica; CALGB = Cancer and Leukemia Group B; CCG = Children's Cancer Group; DCOG = Dutch Childhood Oncology Group; FRALLE = French Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia Study Group; GIMEMA = Gruppo Italiano Malattie EMatologiche dell'Adulto; HOVON = Dutch-Belgian Hemato-Oncology Cooperative Group; LALA = France-Belgium Group for Lymphoblastic Acute Leukemia in Adults; MRC = Medical Research Council (United Kingdom); NOPHO = Nordic Society for Pediatric Hematology and Oncology; UKALL = United Kingdom Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia. | |||
United States[ |
CCG (Pediatric) | 197 | 16 | 67, OS 7 y |
CALGB (Adult) | 124 | 19 | 46 |
France[ |
FRALLE 93 (Pediatric) | 77 | 16 | 67 EFS |
LALA 94 | 100 | 18 | 41 |
Italy[ |
AIEOP (Pediatric) | 150 | 15 | 80, OS 2 y |
GIMEMA (Adult) | 95 | 16 | 71 |
Netherlands[ |
DCOG (Pediatric) | 47 | 12 | 71 EFS |
HOVON | 44 | 20 | 38 |
Sweden[ |
NOPHO 92 (Pediatric) | 36 | 16 | 74, OS 5 y |
Adult ALL | 99 | 18 | 39 |
United Kingdom[ |
MRC ALL (Pediatric) | 61 | 15–17 | 71, OS 5 y |
UKALL XII (Adult) | 67 | 15–17 | 56 |
UKALL 2003[ |
229 | 16–24 | 72 EFS |
Adolescents with ALL appear to be at higher risk than younger children for developing therapy-related complications, including osteonecrosis, deep venous thromboses, and pancreatitis.[
The weight-bearing joints are affected in 95% of patients who develop osteonecrosis and operative interventions were needed for management of symptoms and impaired mobility in more than 40% of cases. Most cases are diagnosed within the first 2 years of therapy and the symptoms are often recognized during maintenance.
Evidence (osteonecrosis):
Treatment options under clinical evaluation for adolescent and young adult patients with ALL
Information about NCI-supported clinical trials can be found on the
The following are examples of national and/or institutional clinical trials that are currently being conducted:
Children With Down Syndrome
Approximately 2% to 3% of childhood ALL cases occur in children with Down syndrome.[
Certain genomic abnormalities, such as IKZF1 deletions, CRLF2 aberrations, and JAK variants, are seen more frequently in ALL arising in children with Down syndrome than in those without Down syndrome.[
Patients with Down syndrome have an increased risk of developing toxicities from treatment, including infections, mucositis, and seizures. In some studies, outcomes of children with Down syndrome and ALL have been reported to be inferior,[
Because of the well-established increase in toxicity experienced by patients with Down syndrome, some ALL protocols (such as those of the COG) have de-intensified risk-based treatment for patients with Down syndrome and ALL to minimize exposure to the morbid components of therapy. While this treatment reduction strategy reduces the frequency and severity of toxicities, its impact on antileukemic outcomes is not yet known.
Treatment of children with Down syndrome
Evidence (toxicity and outcome of patients with Down syndrome and ALL):
Treatment options under clinical evaluation for children with Down syndrome and ALL
Information about NCI-supported clinical trials can be found on the
The following is an example of a national and/or institutional clinical trial that is currently being conducted:
BCR::ABL1-positive (Philadelphia Chromosome-positive) ALL
BCR::ABL1-positive (Philadelphia chromosome–positive [Ph+]) ALL is seen in about 3% of pediatric ALL cases, increases in adolescence, and is seen in 15% to 25% of adults. In the past, this subtype of ALL has been recognized as extremely difficult to treat, and patients had a poor outcome. In 2000, an international pediatric leukemia group reported a 7-year EFS rate of 25%, with an OS rate of 36%.[
For patients with ALL and BCR::ABL1 gene fusions, MRD detection based on flow cytometry or detection of immunoglobulin/T-cell receptor (IG/TCR) rearrangements by either polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or next-generation sequencing (NGS) provides more reliable prognostication than methods based on quantification of BCR::ABL1 fusion transcripts or DNA.[
Treatment options for patients withBCR::ABL1-positive ALL
Standard therapy for patients with BCR::ABL1 ALL includes the use of a TKI (e.g., imatinib or dasatinib) in combination with cytotoxic chemotherapy, with or without allogeneic HSCT in first CR.
Imatinib mesylate is a selective inhibitor of the BCR::ABL1 protein kinase. Phase I and phase II studies of single-agent imatinib in children and adults with relapsed or refractory BCR::ABL1 ALL have demonstrated relatively high response rates, although these responses tended to be of short duration.[
Clinical trials in adults and children with BCR::ABL1 ALL have demonstrated the feasibility of administering imatinib mesylate in combination with multiagent chemotherapy.[
Dasatinib, a second-generation TKI, has also been studied in the treatment of BCR::ABL1 ALL. Dasatinib has shown significant activity in the CNS, both in a mouse model and a series of patients with CNS-positive leukemia.[
Evidence (TKI):
Treatment options under clinical evaluation forBCR::ABL1ALL
Information about NCI-supported clinical trials can be found on the
The following is an example of a national and/or institutional clinical trial that is currently being conducted:
Standard-risk patients on both arms will continue to receive imatinib until the completion of all planned chemotherapy (2 years of treatment). The objective of the standard-risk randomization is to determine whether the less-intensive chemotherapy backbone is associated with a similar DFS but lower rates of treatment-related toxicity compared with the standard therapy (EsPhALL chemotherapy backbone).
High-risk patients (approximately 15%–20% of patients) will proceed to HSCT after completion of three consolidation blocks of chemotherapy. Imatinib will be restarted after HSCT and administered from day +56 until day +365 to test the feasibility of post-HSCT administration of this agent and describe the outcome of patients treated in this manner.
Current Clinical Trials
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Prognostic Factors After First Relapse of Childhood ALL
The prognosis for a child with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) whose disease recurs depends on multiple factors.[
The following two important risk factors after first relapse of childhood ALL are key to determining prognosis and treatment approach:
Other prognostic factors include the following:
Site of relapse
Patients who have isolated extramedullary relapse generally fare better than those who have relapse involving the marrow. In some studies, patients with combined marrow/extramedullary relapse had a better prognosis than did those with a marrow only relapse. However, other studies have not confirmed this finding.[
Time from diagnosis to relapse
For patients with relapsed B-ALL, early relapses fare worse than later relapses, and marrow relapses fare worse than isolated extramedullary relapses. For example, survival rates range from less than 20% for patients with marrow relapses occurring within 18 months from diagnosis to higher than 60% for those whose relapses occur more than 36 months from diagnosis.[
For patients with isolated central nervous system (CNS) relapses, the overall survival (OS) rates are 40% to 50% for early relapse (<18 months from diagnosis) and 75% to 80% for those with late relapses (>18 months from diagnosis).[
Patient characteristics
Age 10 years and older at diagnosis and at relapse have been reported as independent predictors of poor outcome.[
For patients with B-ALL who were diagnosed at age 18 years or younger and experienced a late relapse, age was not a significant predictor of subsequent outcome when analyzed by quartiles. However, the outcome for patients aged 18 years and older at time of relapse was significantly inferior to the outcome for patients relapsing at age younger than 18 years (39.5% vs. 68.7%; P = .0001).[
The Berlin-Frankfurt-Münster (BFM) group has also reported that high peripheral blast counts (>10,000/μL) at the time of relapse were associated with inferior outcomes in patients with late marrow relapses.[
Children with Down syndrome and ALL who relapse have generally had inferior outcomes resulting from increased induction deaths, treatment-related mortality, and relapse.
Risk group classification at initial diagnosis
The COG reported that risk group classification at the time of initial diagnosis was prognostically significant after relapse. Patients who met National Cancer Institute (NCI) standard-risk criteria at initial diagnosis fared better after relapse than did NCI high-risk patients.[
Response to reinduction therapy
Patients with marrow relapses who have persistent morphological disease at the end of the first month of reinduction therapy have an extremely poor prognosis, even if they subsequently achieve a second complete remission (CR).[
Cytogenetics/genomic alterations
Changes in variant profiles from diagnosis to relapse have been identified by gene sequencing.[
TP53 alterations (variants and/or copy number alterations) are observed in approximately 10% of patients with ALL at first relapse and have been associated with an increased likelihood of persistent leukemia after initial reinduction and poor event-free survival (EFS) rates.[
IKZF1 deletions have also been reported to be associated with a poor prognosis in patients with B-ALL in first bone marrow relapse.[
RAS pathway variants (KRAS, NRAS, FLT3, and PTPN11) are common at relapse in B-ALL patients, and they were found in approximately 40% of patients at first relapse in one study of 206 children.[
Patients with ETV6::RUNX1-positive ALL appear to have a relatively favorable prognosis at first relapse, consistent with the high percentage of such patients who relapse more than 36 months after diagnosis.[
Immunophenotype is an important prognostic factor at relapse. Patients with T-ALL who experience a marrow relapse (isolated or combined) at any time during treatment or posttreatment are less likely to achieve a second remission and long-term EFS than are patients with B-ALL.[
Standard Treatment Options for First Bone Marrow Relapse of Childhood ALL
Standard treatment options for first bone marrow relapse include the following:
Reinduction chemotherapy
Initial treatment of relapse consists of reinduction therapy to achieve a second CR. Using either a four-drug reinduction regimen (similar to that administered to newly diagnosed high-risk patients) or an alternative regimen including high-dose methotrexate and high-dose cytarabine, approximately 85% of patients with a marrow relapse achieve a second CR at the end of the first month of treatment.[
Evidence (reinduction chemotherapy):
The potential benefit of mitoxantrone in relapsed ALL regimens requires further investigation.
Patients with relapsed T-ALL have much lower rates of achieving second CR with standard reinduction regimens than do patients with B-cell phenotype.[
The proteosome inhibitor bortezomib (in combination with chemotherapy) has also been evaluated in patients with relapsed T-ALL. In a phase II trial conducted by the COG, the combination of bortezomib plus vincristine, prednisone, pegaspargase, and doxorubicin resulted in a second CR rate of 68% in T-ALL patients in first relapse.[
Reinduction failure is a poor prognostic factor, but subsequent attempts to obtain remission can be successful and lead to survival after HSCT, especially if MRD becomes low or nondetectable. For more information about MRD risk stratification, see the Late-relapsing B-ALL section. Approaches have traditionally included the use of drug combinations distinct from the first attempt at treatment. These regimens often contain newer agents under investigation in clinical trials. Although survival is progressively less likely after each attempt, two to four additional attempts are often pursued, with diminishing levels of success measured after each attempt.[
Postreinduction therapy for patients achieving a second complete remission
Early-relapsing B-ALL
For B-ALL patients with an early marrow relapse, allogeneic transplant from an HLA-identical sibling or matched unrelated donor that is performed in second remission has been reported in most studies to result in higher leukemia-free survival (LFS) than a chemotherapy approach.[
After initial reinduction chemotherapy, the use of blinatumomab instead of intensive cytotoxic chemotherapy as pre-HSCT consolidation has been shown to be associated with superior outcomes.[
Evidence (blinatumomab before HSCT in early-relapsing B-ALL):
Late-relapsing B-ALL
Previous studies of late marrow relapse in patients with B-ALL showed that a primary chemotherapy approach after achievement of second CR resulted in survival rates of approximately 50%, and it was not clear whether allogeneic transplant was associated with a superior cure rate.[
Evidence (MRD-based risk stratification for late-relapse of B-ALL):
BCR::ABL1(Philadelphia chromosome–positive [Ph+]) ALL
There is limited information regarding the treatment of patients with relapsed BCR::ABL1 ALL in the era of tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs).
A French multi-institutional study reported on 27 children with relapsed BCR::ABL1 ALL (24 overt, 3 molecular) who had all been initially treated with a regimen that included imatinib.[
For patients with T-ALL who achieve remission after bone marrow relapse, outcomes with postreinduction chemotherapy alone have generally been poor,[
Treatment Options for Second and Subsequent Bone Marrow Relapse
Although there are no studies directly comparing chemotherapy with HSCT for patients in third or subsequent CR, because cure with chemotherapy alone is rare, transplant has generally been considered a reasonable approach for those achieving remission. Long-term survival for ALL patients after a second relapse is particularly poor, in the range of less than 10% to 20%.[
A phase I trial tested the combination of venetoclax (BCL2 inhibitor) and navitoclax (BCL2 and BCL-XL inhibitor) given along with standard chemotherapy (vincristine, dexamethasone, with/without pegaspargase) in adult and pediatric patients with multiply relapsed or refractory B-ALL or T-ALL. The combination was well tolerated in general (the major toxicity was prolonged myelosuppression) and CR was achieved in 60% of patients, 57% of whom had nondetectable MRD.[
For multiply relapsed patients who achieve CR, HSCT has been shown to cure 20% to 35%, with failures occurring because of high rates of relapse and transplant-related mortality.[
Given the poor outcomes for multiply relapsed B-ALL patients who are treated with chemotherapy followed by HSCT, CAR T-cell therapy has come to be used as standard in this population and has resulted in high rates of remission and improved survival (although direct comparative trials are lacking). For more information, see the CAR T-cell therapy section.
Immune therapies such as blinatumomab and inotuzumab have been used in this population and have improved rates of remission, which has then often led to cure when followed by HSCT.[
Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant for First and Subsequent Bone Marrow Relapse
Components of the transplant process
An expert panel review of indications for HSCT was published in 2012.[
An analysis from the CIBMTR examined pretransplant variables to create a model for predicting LFS posttransplant in pediatric patients (aged <18 years). All patients were first transplant recipients who had myeloablative conditioning, and all stem cells sources were included. For patients with ALL, the predictors associated with lower LFS included age younger than 2 years, second CR or higher, MRD positivity (only in second CR, not in first CR), and presence of morphologically detectable disease at time of transplant. A scale was established to stratify patients on the basis of risk factors to predict survival. The 5-year LFS rate was 68% for the low-risk group, 51% for the intermediate-risk group, and 33% for the high-risk group.[
TBI-containing transplant preparative regimens
For patients proceeding to allogeneic HSCT, TBI appears to be an important component of the conditioning regimen. Several studies have indicated that TBI is associated with superior outcomes in patients with ALL compared with chemotherapy-only preparative regimens.
Evidence (TBI as part of the preparative regimen for ALL):
Based on these data, TBI for all but the youngest children (age <2–3 years) remains standard of care in most centers in North America and Europe.[
Fractionated TBI (total dose, 12–14 Gy) is often combined with cyclophosphamide, etoposide, thiotepa, or a combination of these agents. Study findings with these combinations have generally resulted in similar rates of survival,[
A secondary analysis of the COG ASCT0431 (NCT00382109) HSCT trial showed that ALL patients treated with TBI that involved dose modulation of lung fields to less than 8 Gy had a survival advantage on multivariate analysis (hazard ratio [HR], 1.85; P = .04). Transplant-related mortality trended higher for patients who received doses of 8 Gy and higher, but did not reach significance (HR, 1.78; P = .21). Because lower doses were not associated with increased relapse and resulted in improved survival, dose modulation for lung fields to less than 8 Gy was included in the COG AALL1331 (NCT02883049) trial. Results from the AALL1331 study and other studies looking more precisely into pulmonary dose modulation for TBI are needed to clarify and explain this observation.[
MRD detection just before transplant
Remission status at the time of transplant has long been known to be an important predictor of outcome, with patients not in CR at HSCT having very poor survival rates.[
When patients received two to three cycles of chemotherapy in an attempt to achieve an MRD-negative remission, the benefit of further intensive therapy for achieving MRD negativity must be weighed against the potential for significant toxicity. In addition, there is not clear evidence showing that MRD positivity in a patient who has received multiple cycles of therapy is a biological disease marker for poor outcome that cannot be modified, or whether further intervention bringing such patients into an MRD negative remission will overcome this risk factor and improve survival.
MRD detection posttransplant
The presence of detectable MRD post-HSCT has been associated with an increased risk of subsequent relapse.[
Donor type and HLA match
Survival rates after matched unrelated donor and umbilical cord blood transplant have improved significantly over the past decade and offer an outcome similar to that obtained with matched sibling donor transplants.[
Another CIBMTR study suggested that outcome after one- or two-antigen mismatched cord blood transplants may be equivalent to that for a matched family donor or a matched unrelated donor.[
Role of GVHD/GVL in ALL and immune modulation after transplant to prevent relapse
Most studies of pediatric and young adult patients that address this issue suggest an effect of both acute and chronic GVHD in decreasing relapse.[
To harness this GVL effect, a number of approaches to prevent relapse after transplant have been studied, including withdrawal of immune suppression or donor lymphocyte infusion and targeted immunotherapies, such as monoclonal antibodies and natural killer cell therapy.[
Intrathecal medication after HSCT to prevent relapse
The use of post-HSCT intrathecal chemotherapy chemoprophylaxis is controversial.[
Relapse after allogeneic HSCT for relapsed ALL
For patients with B-ALL who relapse after allogeneic HSCT and can be successfully weaned from immune suppression and have no GVHD, tisagenlecleucel and other 4-1BB CAR T-cell approaches have resulted in EFS rates exceeding 50% at 12 months.[
Reduced-intensity approaches can also cure a percentage of patients when used as a second allogeneic transplant approach, but only if patients achieve a CR confirmed by flow cytometry.[
Whether a second allogeneic transplant is necessary to treat isolated CNS and testicular relapse after HSCT is unknown. A small series has shown survival in selected patients using chemotherapy alone or chemotherapy followed by a second transplant.[
Immunotherapeutic Approaches for Relapsed or Refractory ALL
Immunotherapeutic approaches for the treatment of relapsed or refractory ALL include monoclonal antibody therapy and CAR T-cell therapy.
Monoclonal antibody therapy
The following two immunotherapeutic agents have been studied for the treatment of patients with relapsed or refractory B-ALL:
In a phase I/II trial of children younger than 18 years with relapsed/refractory B-ALL, 27 of 70 patients (39%) treated at the recommended phase II dose achieved a CR with single-agent blinatumomab; 52% of those achieving CR were MRD negative.[
In a pooled analysis of five trials that included 166 pediatric and 517 adult patients, those with less than 50% bone marrow blasts at the start of treatment had better responses to blinatumomab. Among pediatric patients, CR rates (including CR with partial hematologic recovery [CRh] and CR with incomplete hematologic recovery [CRi]) were 65.3% for patients with less than 50% baseline bone marrow blast percentage, compared with 38.3% for patients with 50% or more baseline bone marrow blast percentage. Similarly, MRD responses were more frequent in patients with less than 50% baseline bone marrow blast percentage than in those who had 50% or more bone marrow blast percentage (51.4% vs. 25.5%). There was no significant difference in these end points when comparing patients with 5% to <25% blasts and 25% to <50% blasts at the start of blinatumomab treatment.[
In trials of adult patients with relapsed/refractory B-ALL, CR was achieved in approximately 80% of patients.[
There have been two phase II trials of single-agent inotuzumab (both trials used 1.8 mg/m2 total dose in the first course and 1.5 mg/m2 in subsequent courses) used in the treatment of pediatric patients with relapsed (second or greater relapse) or refractory ALL.[
Expert panel recommendations for the prevention of SOS associated with HSCT after inotuzumab include limiting inotuzumab to two courses, avoiding dual-alkylator HSCT regimens, avoiding hepatotoxic agents, and considering SOS prophylactic agents.[
CAR T-cell therapy
Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy is a therapeutic strategy for pediatric B-ALL patients with refractory disease or those in second or subsequent relapse. This treatment involves engineering T cells with a CAR that redirects T-cell specificity and function.[
Toxicities associated with CAR T-cell therapy
Treatment with CAR T cells has been associated with cytokine release syndrome, which can be life-threatening.[
Neurotoxicity, including aphasia, altered mental status, and seizures, has also been observed with CAR T-cell therapy, and the symptoms usually resolve spontaneously.[
Other CAR T-cell therapy side effects include coagulopathy, hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH)–like laboratory changes, and cardiac dysfunction. Between 20% and 40% of patients require treatment in the intensive care unit, mostly pressor support, with 10% to 20% of patients requiring intubation and/or dialysis.[
For an extensive discussion of CAR T-cell toxicities and approaches to mitigate these toxicities, see Pediatric Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T-Cell Therapy.
CD19-targeted CAR T-cell therapy
Several clinical trials of CAR T cells targeting CD19 in relapsed/refractory ALL have been conducted, with encouraging results. Published trials have involved the use of two types of costimulatory molecules, 4-1BB and CD28. CD28-based approaches have led to high rates of remission, but CAR T cells in these trials rarely persist longer than 1 to 2 months, necessitating HSCT for long-term survival.[
Evidence (CD19-targeted CAR T-cell therapy):
CD19-targeted CAR T-cell treatment for CNS and other extramedullary disease
Although there are concerns that the treatment of patients with CNS disease could increase risk of neurotoxicity associated with CAR T-cell therapy, recent studies have shown that patients with CNS disease who undergo CAR T-cell therapy have similar outcomes to those without CNS disease, with no increase in severe immune effector cell associated neurotoxicity syndrome (ICANS).[
Evidence (CAR T-cell therapy for patients with CNS disease):
Risk factors associated with CD19-targeted CAR T-cell failure
Initial trials that used CAR T-cell therapy demonstrated that a very high proportion of patients with relapsed or refractory disease achieved CR, regardless of white blood cell count, cytogenetics,[
Relapse or failure to respond after CD19-targeted CAR T-cell therapy
Retrospective studies have described outcomes and assessed factors associated with survival after relapse in patients who received CD19-targeted CAR T-cell therapy:
Previous allogeneic donor–derived CD19-targeted CAR T-cell therapy
Certain patients may not be amenable to producing autologous CD19-directed CAR T cells, such as those with very early relapse after HSCT. CAR T-cell therapy using cells produced from the donor of a given patient who is post-HSCT may be an option for these patients. A small group of patients who relapsed after HSCT received allogeneic CD19-directed CAR T cells that were produced from T cells obtained from donors.[
The role of consolidative HSCT after CD19-targeted CAR T-cell therapy for ALL
Studies of second-generation CD19-targeted CAR T-cell approaches have shown that constructs using CD28-based costimulatory molecules result in a relatively short half-life of CAR T cells. This short half-life leads to very high rates of relapse unless HSCT is done soon after recovery from CAR T-cell toxicities. Therefore, treatments with CD28-targeted CAR T cells are considered bridging therapies, and HSCT is generally planned for eligible patients 4 to 8 weeks after the CAR T-cell procedure. Tisagenlecleucel and other CARs with 4-1BB costimulatory molecules have been shown to have significant levels of persistence, leading to long-term remission in 45% to 50% of patients without additional therapy. Up to 80% of relapses occur during the first year after CAR T-cell therapy and there is a window of deep remission. Because of this finding, some study groups have argued for planned HSCT during remission early after CAR T-cell infusion, either in all patients or in patients who have not had a previous HSCT. No randomized trials have addressed this issue, but some studies have addressed this question retrospectively.
Evidence (consolidative HSCT after CAR T-cell therapy):
CD22-targeted CAR T-cell therapy
At least 50% of relapses after CD19-targeted CAR T-cell therapy have occurred because of antigen escape, which has been shown to be related to mutations in the CD19 protein that delete the binding sites used by CAR T-cell constructs.[
Evidence (CD22-targeted CAR T-cell therapy):
Multiantigen targeted CAR T-cell therapy
Investigators have tested approaches aimed at targeting multiple ALL antigens to overcome relapse caused by immune escape. Studies have included the following approaches:
While none of these approaches are commercially available, studies of this approach are ongoing.
A large study included Chinese patients who received a 1:1 mix of independently manufactured CD19- and CD22-targeted CAR T cells. This treatment produced remission in 99% of patients. Persistent B-cell aplasia at 6 months and HSCT after CAR T cells were each associated with improved survival.[
A second study in China infused CD19-targeted CAR T cells followed by CD22-targeted T cells after achieving remission. This resulted in an 18-month EFS rate of 80%, with HSCT occurring in only 10% of patients.[
Three additional trials examined single manufacturing processes of multitargeted CAR T cells. Treatment with this type of CAR T cells resulted in reasonable rates of remission. However, the duration of CAR T cells was poor, and patient outcomes were no better with this CAR T-cell therapy than outcomes with commercial CD19-targeted CAR T cells.[
Treatment of Isolated Extramedullary Relapse
With improved success in treating children with ALL, the incidence of isolated extramedullary relapse has decreased. The incidence of isolated CNS relapse is less than 5%, and testicular relapse is less than 1% to 2%.[
Isolated CNS relapse
Standard treatment options for childhood ALL that has recurred in the CNS include the following:
While the prognosis for children with isolated CNS relapse had been quite poor in the past, aggressive systemic and intrathecal therapy followed by cranial or craniospinal radiation has improved the outlook, particularly for patients who did not receive cranial radiation during their first remission.[
Evidence (chemotherapy and radiation therapy):
A number of case series describing HSCT in the treatment of isolated CNS relapse have been published.[
Evidence (HSCT):
Evidence (CAR T-cell therapy for isolated CNS disease that is multiply relapsed):
CAR T cells have been shown to penetrate the CNS and lead to high rates of remission in patients with CNS disease with or without marrow involvement. A small number of studies have addressed the relationship of CNS involvement with CAR T-cell therapy outcomes.
Isolated testicular relapse
The results of treatment of isolated testicular relapse depend on the timing of the relapse. The 3-year EFS rate of boys with overt testicular relapse during therapy is approximately 40%; it is approximately 85% for boys with late testicular relapse.[
Standard treatment options in North America for childhood ALL that has recurred in the testes include the following:
Standard approaches for treating isolated testicular relapse in North America include local radiation therapy along with intensive chemotherapy. In some European clinical trial groups, orchiectomy of the involved testicle is performed instead of radiation. Biopsy of the other testicle is performed at the time of relapse to determine if additional local control (surgical removal or radiation) is to be performed. A study that looked at testicular biopsy at the end of frontline therapy failed to demonstrate a survival benefit for patients with early detection of occult disease.[
There are limited clinical data concerning outcome without the use of radiation therapy or orchiectomy. Treatment protocols that have tested this approach have incorporated intensified dosing of chemotherapy agents (e.g., high-dose methotrexate) that may be able to achieve antileukemic levels in the testes.
Evidence (treatment of testicular relapse):
Treatment Options Under Clinical Evaluation for Relapsed Childhood ALL
Trials for ALL in first relapse
Information about NCI-supported clinical trials can be found on the
The following is an example of a national and/or institutional clinical trial that is currently being conducted:
All patients who do not qualify for group 1 (i.e., those who are younger than 18 years with relapse occurring more than 24 months from initial diagnosis) receive a four-drug reinduction (vincristine, dexamethasone, doxorubicin, and pegaspargase) and are then classified as either group 2 or group 3.
Isolated extramedullary patients are not eligible for this trial.
Trials for ALL in second or subsequent relapse or refractory ALL
Multiple clinical trials investigating new agents and new combinations of agents are available for children with second or subsequent relapsed or refractory ALL and should be considered. These trials are testing targeted treatments specific for ALL, including monoclonal antibody–based therapies and drugs that inhibit signal transduction pathways required for leukemia cell growth and survival. Multiple clinical trials investigating new agents, new combinations of agents, and immunotherapeutic approaches are available. For more information, see the
Current Clinical Trials
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